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The General Sherman Tree is 274.9' (83.8 meters) tall, and 102.6' (31.3 meters) in circumference at its base. In volume of wood, the Sherman has no equal. With 52,500 cubic feet (1486.6 cubic meters) of wood, the General Sherman Tree earns the title of the World's Largest Tree. The tree is also believed to be between 2,300 and 2,700 years old.

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Q: For what is general sherman tree of sequoia national park famous?
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For what is the general sherman tree of sequoia national park famous.?


Why is General Sherman Tree in sequoia national park famous?

The General Sherman Tree is 274.9' (83.8 meters) tall, and 102.6' (31.3 meters) in circumference at its base. In volume of wood, the Sherman has no equal. With 52,500 cubic feet (1486.6 cubic meters) of wood, the General Sherman Tree earns the title of the World's Largest Tree.

What is General Sherman famous for?

leading the union army on sherman's march.

What was General Sherman famous for?

General Sherman is well known for Sherman's march. Which is where he and his soldiers marched from Savannah to the coast and burned everything on their way there.

What general became famous for his march of destruction through Georgia?

General Sherman

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What union leader became famous for his march of destruction through Georgia?

General Sherman---- Sherman's March to the Sea

What Union General bacame famous for his march of destruction through Georgia?

It was William T. Sherman.

General Sherman marched to the what?

aw, the old expreshion. he if famous for his "march to the sea"

Who was the union general who made the famous march to the sea?

William T. Sherman

What did General William Tecumseh Sherman say about the Battle of Shiloh?

Union General Sherman had just finished his famous March to the Sea. In a communication with President Lincoln after the city of Savannah surrendered, he made his famous "War is hell". quote.

What forest is the most famous?

umm... This question makes no sence... If you reword, it might be ansewered better