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Q: Fossil fuels came from what rocks heat and pressure plants and animals wood and clay?
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What are fossil fuels from?

well fossil fuels are from the dead remains of plants and animals

When animals and plants turned into fossil fuels what was the pressure and temperature like?

The pressure is high and the temperature is also very high

How are fossil fuels made?

Plants an animals

How are fossil fuels made formed?

Plants an animals

What are fuels created from remains of ancient plants and animals called?

fossil fuels is what i think the answer is but im pretty sure its fossil fuels

What fuels are fuels from the remains of plants and animals?

Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

What are the differences between fossil fuels and synfuels?

fossil fuels are the remains of dead plants and animals and the rest Google it

What dose coal and oil have in common?

They are both fossil fuels. fossil fuels are made from fossilised plants and animals.

What causes fossil fuels to form?

Fossils fuels form when the dead remains of plants and animals compress with high pressure and heat in the course of millions of years.

What fossil fuels form the remains of plants and animals?


Energy resources from remains of plants and animals?

fossil fuels

What fossil fuels originally got their energy from?

plants and animals