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Gasoline is hydrophobic because the molecules are non-polar. Only polar molecules are soluble in water.

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Q: Gasoline is not solubal in water because gasoline is?
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Related questions

Why do cars work with gasoline and not water?

Because water is not a flammable substance and gasoline is.

Does water sink to the bottom of a gasoline tank?

Yes, because water is heavier then gasoline

Why does water weigh more then gasoline?

Water weighs more than gasoline because the particles in water are more dense than those in gasoline. This is because water molecules are highly polar and tend to attract each other. Gasoline molecules are not nearly as polar and do not attract each other.

Why shouldn't you use water to put out a gasoline fire?

Water should not be used to extinguish a gasoline fire because the gasoline will stay on top of the water which can spread the fire quicker. The best thing to use is a fire extinguisher.

Does gasoline dissolve in in water?

No. Gasoline is an oil product and does not mix with water.

Why is hexane soluble in water and gasoline is not?

Hexane and gasoline both are insoluble in water.

What makes gasoline heavier than water?

Gasoliner is NOT heavier than water. If you mix the two compounds , then allow them to settle. You will see that gasoline is on top of the water. ; Hence it is lighter (less heavy). Scieintifically, the density of gasoline is less than the density of water.

When gasoline and water are mixed together which one ends on top?

Gasoline has a density of around .71g/mL while water's density is 1g/mL so Gasoline floats on Water.

When milk is mixed with and gasoline which substance will float?


Where does Fred Meyer get its gasoline from?

They mix their gasoline with 10% ( E10 ) ethanol and water.

Gasoline and water do not mix why?

i guess .... gasoline is a volatile material when it is mixed with water, the temperature of water would make it vaporize.

What is the antonym of gasoline?
