

Best Answer
  1. Coal
  2. Oil
  3. Natural gas.

Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are burnt to release their energy in industry, transport and the generation of electricity.

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1mo ago

Coal, oil, and natural gas are all examples of fossil fuels. These fuels are formed from the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years. They are non-renewable resources that are widely used for energy production.

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15y ago

The three major fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas.

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11y ago

Three fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

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10y ago

The three fossil fuels are natural gas, coal, oil. They were formed in the earth from vegetation and other organic material 300 million years ago.

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Q: Give three examples of fossil fuels?
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What are the main fossil fuels?

There are three different types of fossil fuels and they are:crude oil,natural gas andcoal.Fossil fuels are made of the remaining bodies of prehistoric creatures and plant matter.Some would include oil shale and bituminous sands, although current commercial production is minor.

Why are you running out of fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are running out because they are finite resources that are being consumed at a much faster rate than they are being replenished through natural processes. The exploration and extraction of fossil fuels have also greatly accelerated the depletion of these resources. Ultimately, the finite nature of fossil fuels, combined with their high demand for energy production, is leading to their depletion.

Can you give me pictures of fossil fuels?

I can't provide pictures as I am a text-based AI, but fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas. These are extracted from the Earth and are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals. They are non-renewable energy sources that release carbon dioxide when burned, contributing to climate change.

Why is it wrong to say that fossil fuels are stores of light energy?

It's wrong to say this because it is inaccurate. Fossil fuels are stores of potential energy which can be converted (through combustion) into heat energy. Light energy is the energy that gives off light, but fossil fuels do not give off light.

What is bad about fossil fules?

Fossil fuels contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which are major factors in climate change. They are also finite resources that are non-renewable and contribute to environmental degradation from extraction to burning. Additionally, their extraction and use can have negative impacts on both human health and local ecosystems.

Related questions

What do fossil fuels give electricity to?

Well, fossil fuels don't give the electricity they are part of making it though. By burning fossil fuels it creates steam which turns a turbine that generates electricity.

What happens to fossil fuels when there burned?

When fossil fuels are burned they give off heat, the reason why we use them. Then they give gasses such as CO2 for example.

How is sedimentaryrelatedto fossil fuels?

they need to give me the answer now so give me the answer

What would happen if people keep using fossil fuels?

If you keep using fossil fuels it there will be no more and you cant give off energy.

Give two examples each of primary and secondary fuels?

Examples of primary fuels - wood, coal Examples of secondary fuels - charcoal, coke

What type of energy do fossil fuels give of?

It give off Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

What are Bio fuels Give examples?

Bio fuels are those fuels that are easier on the environment than petroleum-based fuels. Some examples are bio diesel and methane.

What is good about burning fossil fuel?

The good thing is that is produces a lot of energy that can be utilized in a proper manner to give great output.But fossil fuels are depleting now hence its bad to use fossil fuels.

Do fossil fuels give of CFC's?

Fossil fuels do not directly emit CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). However, some industrial processes involved in extracting and refining fossil fuels can release CFCs as a byproduct. CFCs are more commonly associated with refrigerants and aerosol propellants.

Why using fossil fuels is a good idea?

Even the harshest global warming critic can't give you the answer you are looking for. There is nothing redeeming about fossil fuels. The only reason that fossil fuels are used is because we have yet to discover and implement on a wide scale a cheaper and cleaner alternative.

What are the main fossil fuels?

There are three different types of fossil fuels and they are:crude oil,natural gas andcoal.Fossil fuels are made of the remaining bodies of prehistoric creatures and plant matter.Some would include oil shale and bituminous sands, although current commercial production is minor.

Should you stop using fossil fuels?

I try not give opinions, just provide facts. So, I will answer the question- If you stop using fossil fuels entirely, what would you give up, and could someone live not using any sossil fuels. It is very difficult to use no fossil fuels. You may give up using a car or public transportation that uses oil products such as gasoline directly, but you home electricity is probably fueled by electric generators that run off of oil or coal. Many products in your home, such as plastics and synthetic rubber are petroleum based. Paint, thinners and solvents are petrochemicals. So, to give up fossil fuels, you would have to give up many items sold in your department and grocery store. The alternative is perhaps more practically. Use fossil fuels wisely, and find ways of using less.