

Global warming doesnt exist

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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Global warming does exist.

Evidence supporting its existence is extensive. For one, based on geological data and evidence, the Earth is supposed to be in a period of cooling, but instead our temperatures have risen 0.74ºC (from 1906-2006). Our temperatures have only continued to rise, and are projected to rise anywhere between 1.8 to 4.6ºC in the next 100 years. This is an exponential increase, as from the time of the last ice age to now, the Earth's mean surface temperature only increased 3.5ºC.

Other evidence is the increase in the number of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and halocarbons in the atmosphere, which are all molecules which hold heat and thus upset the temperature equilibrium. Since pre-industrial times, carbon dioxide has increased in the atmosphere by 35%. Though not the strongest molecule, it is the most abundant (measured in parts per million). The more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the more heat is able to be held, thus raising the equilibrium.

Based on samples of air from 650,000 years ago (taken from ice cores), carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is much higher.

Our rising sea levels indicate global warming, not merely due to melting ice caps, but also because when water warms, the molecules expand.

A more accurate term than global warming is global climate change, as not all areas will warm, and climate change will not be uniform.

People who say global climate change/warming does not exist do not have concrete scientific facts to dismantle the basic facts: that greenhouse gases are increasing, and are directly correlated with the raise in the temperature in many places of the world.

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Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.

How will Earth look in one hundred years if the people on the Earth don't protect it from global warming?

If you look at a globe, there are continents and a lot of blue, which means water. If we don't stop global warming in the next century, there will be much less land and you will see a lot, and i mean A LOT more blue. Global warming is so bad stop it now earth will probably not even exist all there will be is a giant ball of water and a billion fish don't let this happen please?

Is global warming the beginning of the end for life on Earth?

It has not yet been confirmed but it could cause apocalyptic natural disasters, such as gigantic floods. Any number of possible scenarios could bring about the end of mankind, and possibly all other life on earth. Global warming is one scenario. Others include: large asteroid impact; global thermonuclear war; global pandemic virus; overpopulation and resulting lack of resources; multiple supervolcano eruptions. While all these are possibilities the odds vary from one scenario to another. Even if mankind survives into the far future, billions of years hence, they would still be faced with the inevitable death of the universe.

Has global warming been proven?

It depends on who you listen to, and what standards of "proof" you have. I say this because, like many other controversial issues, there will be people who insist that global warming is FACT! But there are also people on the other side who insist that it ABSOLUTELY CANNOT EXIST! No, global warming has not been proven, as you would prove the existence of gravity or other laws of nature. But neither has it been disproven, at least not definitively. It is a theory, no more, and no less, like the Big Bang theory, or postulates some of us learned in math class. Very little scientific research ever reaches the point of 'proof'. Thus, we have the Theory of Gravity', the Theory of Relativity' and so on. In each case, as with global warming, scientists simply reach a consensus on what is considered almost certain, and then allow future scientists to expand on, amend or, occasionally, replace the theory. Australia's Chief Scientist, Ian Chubb, says that science is not always perfect and interpretations are not always unanimously agreed, but good science will increase probability through the weight of evidence from "possible" to " beyond reasonable doubt". He says that this is the position now with global warming.

Is global warming a religion?

A religion entails belief in a supernatural controlling power, especially a God or gods entitled to obedience and worship. There are those who with excessive zeal promote action to stop global warming, as well as those who, again with excessive zeal, deny its reality or our ability to do anything about it. However, excessive zeal on either side does not constitute religion. ________________________________ Sometimes it seems so. Any religion is based on unprovable beliefs, and religious people have faith that their beliefs are true. "Faith" implies a lack of PROOF; if you had proof, you wouldn't need faith. Further, most religions differentiate between good actions, and "sin" - where "sin" is described as "evil actions". Many of the claims of global warming lack any real scientific basis, and most do require an element of faith - belief without proof - by their supporters. People who do not accept the claims of "global warming" are frequently denounced as "evil", and as "environmental sinners". Given that "sin" cannot exist without a religious belief, many global warming advocates do act in distinctly "religious" ways. The writings of any religion are not subject to question or scrutiny by the faithful, and this is certainly the case with the canons of global warming. Any attempt to verify the claims, to examine the fundamental data, or to question the proclamations of the priests are strenuously opposed.

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Global warming doesnt exist you idiot hippies!

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You loose non renewable resources. And no, Fossil fuels do not contribute to global warming(Biggest lie ever) Research about it, Because its a fact that Global Warming doesnt exist.

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.

Could life exist without global warming?

Yes. And also with it.

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1st. that's not a question, it's a statement 2nd .Global warming doesn't exist 3rd this answer is kind of bad

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Rhinos are afforded protection by law from poaching everywhere they exist. Sadly, they are not always protected well enough. Nowhere are they protected from the dangerous impacts of Global Warming.

What is global warming and how is it hurting our planet?

global warning is a stupid theory Al Gore made up to make money for no reason at doesn't exist

How can you stop global warming from destroying the earth?

Global warming will not destroy the earth. The earth will continue to exist even at 10 or 20 degrees hotter than it is now. However, life on earth is a different matter. If we do nothing to stop global warming, the future of all life on earth, including human life, is in great danger.

Does hydrogen cause global warming?

no. carbon dioxide is an example of a greenhouse gas, a cause of global warming. ++++ Also no because hydrogen does not exist on Earth in its elemental form. It is too reactive so is locked up in compounds including, principally, water.

What is one contemporary example of an issue where scientists stand on one side and various groups stand in opposition?

A contemporary example of an issue where scientist stand on one side and different groups stand in opposition is global warming. Many people claim that global warming does not even exist but most scientist have proof that it does exist.

What is creatoism?

I think you mean creationism, which is the idea that everything in the Bible is true, and that evolution and global warming (among other things) do not exist.

Would drinking water start to get warm because of global warming?

No, cold water will still exist, proababaly longer than mankind will last.