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well i think that it is that plate tectonics are when they move by earthquakes and crustal features are when they discribe the crustal and the plate tectonics.

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Q: How are crustal features related to plate tectonics?
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What are the crustal features of the land that are formed by plate tectonics?

Crustal features created by plate tectonics include mountains (e.g. Himalayas), trenches (e.g. Mariana trench), volcanoes (see the Ring of Fire), ocean ridges (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) and rift zones (regions lateral to a volcano that lava flows from).

What is the study of internal processes that result in crustal movement?

Plate tectonics.

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Plate tectonics.

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Words that are related to the crust of the earth might include mantle, plate tectonics, and mountain or volcano. Other words include layer, asthenosphere, horst, sima, and crustal plate.

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The movement of crustal or lithospheric plates is a part of the theory of plate tectonics. The geological theory is called plate tectonics.

What are the 3 theories of crustal movement?

Plate Tectonics Continental drift theory 'Raisin' Theory

How does plate tectonics happen?

global tectonics in which the lithosphere divided into a number of crustal plates

What theory states that the earth is divided into large crustal slabs constantly in motion?

The theory of plate tectonics.