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Living creatures are divided into two key groups: the prokaryotes, where the DNA in their cells is not enclosed in a membrane-bound nucleus and the eukaryotes where the cells do have their DNA enclosed in a nucleus and often contain other membrane-bound organelles as well. The eukaryotes include fungi, protozoa, algae, plants and all multicellular animals. Prokaryotes include bacteria and the mysterious archaebacteria which are prokaryotic in general structure but also share some characteristics with eukaryotes. Viruses are akaryotic because they are non-cellular.

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14y ago
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14y ago

microorganism are classified on the basis of their cell structure like first broad classification is prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes then they classified on the bases of their habitat and physiology

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9y ago

In general, foodborne microbes are generally classified by how they contaminate food or whether they are biological agents or pathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites, prions); chemical agents (toxins, metals); or physical agents.

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Q: How are microorganisms classified?
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Is a virus a microorganism?

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bacteria, pathogens, viruses. NN=(all of the above)

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Microorganisms can be classified into 5 groups which are very similar to the kingdoms of life. The groups are: viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, and protozoa.

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To the previous answer, it is not a plankton. Amoebas are single celled, but they are not plankton. These organisms are classified under Archaea, and are commonly called unicellular. They are not to be confused with microorganisms. All unicellular organisms are microorganisms, but not all microorganisms are unicellular.

The prokaryotes that live in extreme environments are classified in the kingdom?

Prokaryotes that are found in environments that are extreme are classified in the Archaebacteria kingdom. The kingdom consists of single-celled microorganisms.

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Yes, the material of any normal binder has microorganisms that are classified as alive. As well as the rings which have metal alloys which are alive

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protozoan is a sub-kingdom of microorganisms that are generally classified as unicellular non-fungal eukaryotes

What sort of microorganism is yeast?

It is a eukaryotic micro-organism which is classified as a fungi.Yeast is not a taxonomic group. It is a fungal morphology (growth form).

Is any nonvegetarian is used in the preparation of bud wieser beer?

Not unless you consider yeast to be an animal (which technically it is, being a eukaryotic microorganisms classified in the kingdom Fungi.)

What is menengitis?

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