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Renewable energy is energy created by something that you can use over and over again. and then purple dinosaurs lick volcanic ash out of a volcano and do there mother and urs to. A few instances of this would be electricity created by "Solar Cells" and "Windmills". You never run out of wind and sun like you do fossil fuels (oil).

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13y ago
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15y ago

Non-renewable resources are made by geological processes - oil and gas etc. These are things which humanity cannot manufacture or harness, we can only use them once. Renewable resources - such as solar, thermal or wind can be 'harnessed' as they will still be there tomorrow even if we use them today.

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10y ago

Non-renewable sources of energy are fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). These are used in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, usually by burning, which releases carbon dioxide (CO2). This is the main cause of global warming and climate change.

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12y ago

By asking this question it seems as if you don't have a clear understanding of what a Non-Renewable resource is. A nonrenewable resource; depending on what your analyzing, is a resource that is non renewable in a certain period of time. For example oil is a non renewable resource and is formed over millions of years of the compression of decaying organic matter. Such as trees animals etc. The reason it is termed a Non- Renewable resource is because we as humans may not obtain anymore of this substance in our lifetimes, not because it is impossible to make more under natural circumstances. So The answer to your question is that a nonrenewable resource forms over a long period of time. Whether its a Forrest that your analyzing or oil. They both take many years to form. Although it is a general answer it is the best because you did not specify what Non-renewable resource your talking about.

*forests are a Non- renewable resource because it takes many years for thousands of trees to cluster as a large biomass.

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8y ago

Something is nonrenewable if it cannot be replaced by any form of a natural force (coal, plastic, etc.), it takes time to develop, and is finite. They have limited supply and their supply comes from the earth itself.

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10y ago

they cannot be re-used, once the are used, they are not renewable

Example :

Oil, non renewable because once you burn it, your not getting it back unless you find more!

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14y ago

Non-renewable energy sources are Solar, Wind and Tidal Energy.

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If it can't be replaced within 1000 years after it has been used up.

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What are nonrenewable energy sources?

Natural resources that are used up more quickly than they can be replaced are nonrenewable resources. Earths supply of nonrenewable resources are limited . You use nonrenewable resources when you take home groceries in plastic bags, paint a wall, or travel by car. plastic, paints, and gasoline are made from important nonrenewable resources called petroleum, or oil, petroleum is formed mostly from the remains of microscopic marine organisms buried in the earths crust. It is nonrenewable because it takes hundreds of millions of years for it to form.

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Oil and coal are among the most used nonrenewable resources.

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Yes, they have nonrenewable resources and they are coal,oil, and gas

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yes it is a nonrenewable resource

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it is half a renewable and nonrenewable resource

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Renewable and nonrenewable resources are basically the same all countries.