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Polymers are not made into crude oil. Crude oil is made into polymers.

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Q: How are polymers made into crude oil?
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How is crude oil made into polymers?

It undergoes a system called undergoing, and is exposed to high heat, for a long time, then cooled into plastic.

Why might polymers become expensive in the future?

Because crude oil is running out.

What is the same about all the compounds in crude oil?

Either Hydrocarbons, monomers,plastics or polymers

Are polymers renewable or nonrenewable?

Polymers can be both depending upon which ones you are asking about. Polymer simply means "a chain of identical molecules linked together". Nonrenewable polymers would be plastics made from crude oil; renewable polymers would be cellulose and lignin in tree trunks.

Which is the costliest product from crude oil?

plastic is made from crude oil.

What is the connection between monomers and crude oil?

All I know is that monomers are small atoms that join together to form polymers. Crude oil is also known as petroleum and unprocessed oil. Sorry, was wondering myself!

Is polythene made from crude oil?

Yup!    Crude Oil -> Crude Oil Vapour --> Diesel Oil --> Ethene --> Poly(ethene)

What is the name of a factory where crude oil is made?

Crude oil is not "made". "Crude oil" is the name giving to the raw form of oil that is pumped from the ground.

Is gasoline an oil?

Gasoline is processed from crude oil. It is not oil but it is from oil. Diesel is a type of oil and it is also made from crude.

Why is this a Problem for burying polymers in a landfill?

Polymers are often made from crude oil distillates that cannot be turned in to gasoline. We pay for crude oil, what sense does it make to put it back in the ground where it serves no useful purpose, and is so stable it will not become crude oil again? Additionally, some polymers leach compounds into the ground water, which can become a problem for future generations (some we cannot foresee, of course). The validity of the above answers are questionable but it is true that polymers are very stable. It is not known how long plastic will remain in a landfill so it will continue to accumulate. Some envision a world where there are large mountains of plastic trash. I hope that world never comes.

Does lipstick contain crude oil?

Yes it is made of crude oil :).

Are aspirin made from crude oil?

yes using phenol, a compound that is derived from crude oil.