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the earth and the globe are both spherical[round shape]

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Q: How are the globe and earth alike and different?
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How are the globe and the Earth alike?

they are both spherical in shape

Are globe and earth the same thing?

actually they really look alike because the globe is the round model of the earth they just don't have the same shape, maybe color, or the exact placements of islands

Why is a globe different from real earth?

A globe is a perfect sphere; the earth is shaped more like a pear.

How are earth and Mars are alike and different?

earth and mars are like and different because they have a atmosphere and gravity

How is a globe and the earth the same and how are they different?

A globe is any spherical, or approximately spherical object. It can be as small as a ball or as large as the Sun (or larger). The Earth is one example of a globe.

How is the globe and Earth alike?

they r both round and i like pie american pie not asian ones just apple

How are Earth and Jupiter are alike and different?

EARTH AND JUPITER ARE AWESOME! but i live on earth making it awesomer! BD

How are the layer's of the earth alike?

it is alike because the are the same in different ways because they are all part of the earths crust

How is Earth alike and different from Jupiter?

Similarities: Planets, natural satellites Differences:Jupiter is a gas giant, earth is not.

Is Earth a globe?

No, a globe is a 3D map of the Earth

How is maps and globe alike?

No, they are not alike. A globe is round and good visual of what the world is like. Whereas, a map is flat and gives you more details about the areas of the world you are looking at.

How does a map different from a globe?

well, the earth is flat.. i guesssss.. on a map.but on a globe, its like a round ball , or sphere and it doesnt look flat