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Minerals are individual chemical compounds. Rocks are made up of more than one mineral (except for rock salt which is the mineral halite)

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Q: How are the structure of rocks and minerals different?
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Related questions

Are rocks made out of different kind of minerals?

Almost all rocks made of minerals, but different rocks contain different mixtures of minerals.

what describes the compostition of rocks?

Rocks are made up of minerals. Different rocks consist of different minerals in different proportions.

How are minerals different from rocks?

Rocks contain minerals in them and minerals are just the minerals themselves.

Are rocks the same as minerals?

Rocks are normally combinations of different minerals.

Is minerals rocks?

No, minerals are not rocks. Minerals are one or more elements stacked together which forms a crystal structure. A rock is composed of one or more minerals.

How rocks and minerals are different?

Minerals are usually small colored gems, whereas rocks are usually black, grey or white. Also, minerals have a chemical in which makes our bodies better. Those minerals are used in mineral water. Rocks do not have that chemical.

What are minerals and how are they relate to rocks?

Minerals are solid, naturally occurring inorganic matter, with a specific chemical composition and crystalline structure. Rocks are composed of minerals.

What Two types of rocks that have no minerals?

Volcanic glasses have no crystalline structure, and technically no minerals.

Why do rocks have different colors?

Rocks have different colors because some rocks contain different minerals. the rocks

How are rocks and minarals different?

Rocks are composed of minerals. Minerals are inorganic chemical solids.

What crystalline structure would a metamorphic rock have?

they have rocks and minerals

What do minerals have that rocks don't?

Uniform composition and crystalline structure.