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it is bad there was once it ate a cow.

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Q: How bad is a 5.1-magnitude earthquake?
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How bad is it after an earthquake?

very bad

Is a 4.6 earthquake bad?

very bad

How bad was the earthquake in haiti?

The earthquake in Haiti has been very bad and over 3000 people have died

How bad is the tsunami and earthquake in japan?

the tsunami was caused by an underwater earthquake and it was an 8.9 which is very dangerous and bad

How bad is a 7.0 earthquake?

pretty freakin bad yo

How bad was the destruction in the Japan earthquake and tsunami?

enormously bad

How bad is a 7.0 earthquake?

pretty freakin bad yo

What is a meaning of Earthquakes?

an earthquake is a very bad shake in the earth.The longer the earth holds a earthquake in the bigger it will be

What can cause damage for days months after a large earthquake?

after shocks can be deadly - sometimes as bad as the earthquake itself!

What can cause damage for days or months after a large earthquake?

after shocks can be deadly - sometimes as bad as the earthquake itself!

How bad was Haitis earthquake?

7.0 with about 80 aftershocks.

How is an earthquake destructive or constructive?

This just a bad sight