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If you live in a place with snow, the salt runoff cn kill local wildlife by increasing the salinity of the surrounding areas

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Q: How can highways affect water quality?
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How did the chernobyl affect the air water and soil quality?

an increase in mortality of confiferous plants,soil invertebrates,and mammals

How does deforestation affect water quality?

Deforestation removes the trees that hold the soil in place. Surface runoff is increased and the water reaching lakes and streams is contaminated with soil, making the water less pure.

How does Erosion of Shoreline Affect Water quality?

EitherA. It decreases sediment in the waterB. it increases sediment in the waterC. It Decreases temperature of the WaterD. it increases temperature of the waterAnswer: B

What documentation must be completed prior to a milestone review for a program that will significantly affect the quality of the environment?

documentation must be completed prior to a milestone review for a program that will significantly affect the quality of the environment

How can farming affect water?

Growing crops and raising livestock takes a lot of water. The average 1200 lb. cow drinks for 240 minutes a day. As well as when it rains and there is a farrow field or open field without any cover, the erosion factor is great and most of it winds up in near streams and rivers. These two factors in water quality is why we have such strict regulations on how much water can be taken from streams and rivers (mostly occurs in dry climates), and regulations about how much erosion and what chemicals are allowed on crops. Farming does affect water quality but through conservation and regulations we are protecting our lands greatest asset, water.

Related questions

How did the highways of water affect ancient Greece?

It provided a means of trade, migration and warfare.

Does temperature affect water quality?

It does not affect the quality of pure water. However, if the water is exposed to the atmosphere it will get bacteria in it and their growth will be affected by the temperature.

What are the human activities that affect water quality?

One human activity that can affect water quality is polluting in water, such as dumping your oil into a body of water that is used for a water source.

How do you measure the water quality by the appearance?

You don't. There are many factors that affect water quality that are not apparent by appearance alone.

How does the alkalinity affect a pond ecosystem?

water quality will be reduced

How does the quality of water affect the rate of evaporation. Should it be considered for determining the rate of evaporation?

if quality of water reduce the evaporation will decrase

How do earthquakes affect bridges and raised highways?

It makes them fall.

How could new roads affect the recharge zone of an aquifer?

because it will affect the amount and quality of water in an aquifer{less water can enter the auifer}

What chemicals found in fertilizers can affect water quality?

nitrates. they feed algae.

How does water quality affect the ecology of a community?

I honestly have NOOO CLUE!

Corrugated iron roof is used to collect rainwater for drinking does it affect the quality of water will the collected water be safe for drinking?

Many people use this water in drinking water. I for one believe it does affect the quality of the water. Your roof has alot of bacteria and that bacteria will transfer to the water. If you boil the water in the kettle it should be fine.

What happens when you mix dirty water with plaster?

Slightly dirty water should not affect the setting time of powdered dehydrated gypsum, but would affect the quality.