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I actually had to look this one up. And, after having done so, I'm left scratching my head. It seems that "global dimming" is another half-baked pseudo-scientific grant mill. Apparently, beginning in 1950, a group of "scientists" began measuring the amount of solar energy reached the surface of the Earth, and noted about a four percent reduction per decade until the 1990's, but after accounting for the Mount Pinatubo eruption, had to recalibrate their figures.

Now, considering the hypothesis is based on the estimates of aerosol sulfates that are in the atmosphere that are credited with reducing the amount of light that reaches the surface (and which incidentally is responsible for reversing the effects of another half-baked, pseudo-scientific flap), and the largest producer of aerosol sulfates are major eruptions like the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption, AND constant lava flows that reach the sea and those that are sub-oceanic, the obvious answer to this question is absolutely nothing. Humans can do nothing to stop volcanic activity. Considering the almost irrational fear of worldwide warming, one would think that humans wouldn't want to do anything to stop it.

Just a thought though: The bad data that was uncovered in the mid-first decade of the 21st century on which much of the Global Warming push relies, projects less than a 10% increase in worldwide temperatures per decade. At the same time, the effects of global dimming reduce the light and contribute to about a 4% decrease in global temperatures. Seems obvious that nature, as usual, has elements that cancel out extremes.

By all means, humans need to pay attention to what we do to our home. As the saying goes, "Don't crap where you eat." (I cleaned it up)

Reduction of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide release can't hurt. The problem is that natural activities release far more of these substances than we do. We can only contribute to any potential problem, and the problem, as illustrated above, may not be quite that real.

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What can be done to stop global dimming?

To battle Global Dimming we could try to reduce aeroplane contrails and to be done on a Global scale we would see a large increase in Global Warming.

Why should people care about global dimming?

because it's effect a lot of everything

What is the meaning for global dimming?

Global dimming is a gradual reduction of global direct irradiance, or electromagnetic radiation, that hits the Earth's surface. The process interferes with the hydrological cycle.

What causes global dimming?

Global dimming stops the sun's heat and light reaching the earth. If this lasts for a long time it could cause much loss of life. Global dimming is one suggestion for the death of the dinosaurs.

Why is global dimming dangerous?

Global dimming occurs when the clouds in the sky reflect the sun's energy back into space. It is also caused by greenhouse gasses. Global dimming can be dangerous because it indirectly causes crops to die, and the waters in the world's oceans to become cooler.

How do you reduce global dimming?

Global warming is the observed increase in temperature caused by the increase of greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gasses warm the planet by trapping infrared radiation and slowing its escape into space. Global dimming could roughly be described as the opposite. It is caused by fine particles in the atmosphere (known as "aerosols"). These particles reflect sunlight away, reducing the overall amount of radiation that enters the planet. This has a cooling effect.

How do volcanoes cause global dimming?

When a powerful volcano erupts, it sends dark clouds of ash into the atmosphere. These dark clouds block out the sun's rays, causing global dimming.

What can global dimming do for us?

Global dimming was a time in the last century when temperatures were cooler because there was so much pollution in the air that it reflected away some of the sunlight. This was not a good situation. If global dimming returned the earth might be cooler, but the air would be more polluted causing lung diseases and other undesirable effects.

What factors other than smog contribute to global dimming?


How do you prevent global dimming?

Keep the air clean with Clean Air Acts around the world.

Is global dimming man made?

Global dimming happens for a few days after a volcanic eruption, when the air is full of ash and particulates that block the sun. So the earth cools for a few days. There were some years between 1960 and 1990 when the sun's radiation by about 4% by smoke from bush fires, pollution and particulates in the atmosphere, particularly sulphate aerosols. So global dimming is usually man-made, except after a volcanic eruption.

What should people know about global warming?

How to STOP IT.