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The material on the mountains was not always up there. Mountains are generally created by what is called uplift. And places that were under water and then had remains laid down and fossilized can be uplifted through long periods of time to create mountains. The fossils are then found up there in the mountains. The geologic process is fairly well understood and modeled by geologists.

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Q: How can rocks on high mountains have fossils?
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Related questions

Where would you find a rock with fossils in it?

You can find rocks that are sedimentary rocks which are found in mountains, rivers and near the seashores.

Does igneous sedimentary and metamorphic rocks contain fossils?

No. In general, there are no fossils in igneous or metamorphic rocks, because the high heat and pressure involved would destroy any fossils. Fossils are almost always found in sedimentary rock.

What are mountains made of?

Mountains are made of rocks and dirt. They have high, bumpy tops, and they are high in elevation.

Why aren't fossils found in ingenious rocks?

because they are rocks and fossils dont belong in rocks and fossils can be made things an rocks cant :(...

Why are there marine fossils high in the Andes Mountains?

Use Google and do your Biology homework elsewhere. There are marine fossils high in the Andes Mountains because of layer shifting (which relates to the Law of Superposition), which means that over time, the layers push the fossils upwards. So it all ties into Layer Shifting and how the fossils work.

What are common sedimentary rocks?

Fossils are very commonly found in sedimentary rocks more than other rocks. It can be composed of sand, decomposed other rocks and parts of hills or mountains and possibly fish bones.

Are there any fossils in sedimentary rocks?

Yes all fossils occur in sedimentary rocks or rocks that began as sedimentary rocks.

What kind of rocks yield fossils?

Most fossils are preserved in sedimentary rocks.

What kinds of rocks do you not find fossils in and why?

Igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks, because the intense heat and pressure destroys fossils.

How do fossils from in rocks?

Some fossils are not rocks, but they form because there is so much pressure and it blends

Are fossils on found in rock?

Yes... fossils are found in rocks, but rocks deep within the surface.

What kind of rock are fossils found in?

Igneous rocks.