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Because light is absorbed by black and is not by white.

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Q: How can the knowledge that black absorbs radiant energy and white emits radiant energy be used in real life?
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What absorbs radiant energy?

Darker colours (ex. black, navy blue) absorb more radiant energy than light colours, like white. Also, it helps if the surface is dull (not shiny) and cold at the beginning, because cold things absorb more radiant energy.

Why is black material becomes hotter in sunny days than white?

Black absorbs much of the radiant energy (heat) that strikes it, while white reflects much of it back allowing it to stay cooler.

What colors reflect radiant energy?

i think its black

What does black hole does with the energy which it absorbs?

It converts it into gravitational energy.

Why wearing black hotter than wearing white?

you don't "think" you feel hotter. you DO feel hotter. your black shirt absorbs all colors of light from the sun transferring that radiant energy into heat energy. your white shirt instead reflects this light energy.

Why Black paper absorbs more heat?

Black absorbs energy, other colors reflect more energy (you see a color or a white sheet)

Which color absorbs the most energy from the sun?


Why does a good absorber of radiant energy appear black?

In short, because they "don't reflect'." A matte surface isn't smooth; it has a surface that does not fully reflect light/radiation; the surface looks dull because there's little reflection. A smooth surface will reflect because it's smooth (glass-like) and will reflect or bounce light away from its surface. The surface looks shiny because of the reflection. The color of the surface matters because the darker the color, the more light/radiation is absorbed. Lighter colors reflect light; darker colors absorb light.

What materials reflect radiant energy?

The heating of a solid body, which absorbs radiant energy, was studied. With sufficient radiantenergy flow, the surface of the body can achieve such a high temperature that the physiochemical conversions of the material are unavoidable. Emphasis was placed upon the one-dimensional problem of the evaporation of the solid body, heated from the incident radiant energy. It is assumed that the flow of radiant energy is absorbed on the surface of the body and is equivalent to the thermal flow q on the boundary whose value depends on time t and on the surface temperature. There are two cases of surface evaporation examined: body evaporation and evaporation into the medium filled far from the body.

4 down The color black does this to solar energy?


What colour absorbs most light energy and why?

Black... im not sure why though.

Why does black absorb more heat than white?

Because black absorbs all light whereas white reflects all light back. The energy that black absorbs as light manifests itself as heat.