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Tornadoes can cause some soil erosion both directly by blowing it away and indirectly by removing vegetation. In extreme cases a tornado may remove a couple feet of topsoil. Other than that tornadoes do not significantly affect topography.

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Q: How can tornadoes change landforms?
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What landforms create tornadoes?

Landforms do not create tornadoes. Tornadoes are a product of severe thunderstorms.

How can you weather tornadoes?

Tornadoes are not landforms, and so cannot be affected by weathering.

What landforms can a tornado create on earth?

Tornadoes do not create landforms and do not have a significant impact on the shape of the land. In rare cases some exceptionally violent tornadoes may strip away a foot or two of soil.

How do landforms change quickly?

Earthquakes can make landforms change quickly.

How do tornadoes affect landforms?

Tornadoes have little to no effect on landforms. While tornadoes are violent events, they mostly leave the ground itself intact. In rare instances the most violent tornadoes will scour away soil to a depth of up to two feet.

Do Tornadoes change shape?

Yes, tornadoes often change in appearance.

What forces cause the earth's landforms to change?

Erosion is something that causes the earth's landforms to change.

How do land forms change after tornado?

Tornadoes have almost no effect on landforms. In extreme cases an exceptionally violent tornado may strip away a foot or two of soil, but that is the most you will see happen.

How can tornadoes change habitats?

Tornadoes change habitats primarily by destroying trees and other vegetation.

How do tornadoes change one's habitat?

Tornadoes change habitats by destroying vegetation and manmade structures.

How do tornadoes affect climate change?

Tornadoes do not affect climate change. They may be affected by climate change, but how is yet to be determined.

What kind of landforms do tornadoes effect?

Tornadoes are most often associated with plains areas, but they can occur in any sort of terrain. Climate has a bigger influence on tornado activity than topography does.