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Connecting the electricity will activate the electromagnet.

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Q: How can turning on the electricity allow the iron crane to pick up the car?
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What is electromagnetic crane?

it is a crane no its an electro magnetic crane An eletromagnetic crane is a crane that has a giant magnet to pick up things with cobalt, nickel or iron in them. The magnet is run through electricity so you can turn it on and off at will.

When was Lehigh Crane Iron Company created?

Lehigh Crane Iron Company was created in 1839.

Does an iron nail conduct electricity?

Yes they do, they have approximately .3 volts of conductivity.

What is the conductor of electricity?

Conductor of electricity are compounds that allow electricity to pass through. They are metallic and sometimes ductile and malleable. Very common is iron. The most metallic element is francium.

What materials allow electricity to pass through them?

All metals for example iron, copper, nickel. They are called conductors. Plastics and other elements do not, only metals. They allow electricity to pass through them because they have free electrons

What is the cunductor of heat and electricity of iron?

what is the conductor of heat and electricity of iron

What is an electrical conductor and an electrical semiconductor?

Conductors are substances that allow flow of electricity through them. Although some electricity is lost in the form of heat, yet is negligible. Eg: silver gold copper iron Semiconductors are elements that allow electricity partially. For example they allow 50 percent and stops the rest. Eg: silicon germanium

Where will a crane use a magnet?

When the crane is moving steel or iron, usually irregular shaped material such as scrap metal.

Which uses more electricity an iron or the computer?


Why is iron a conductor of electricity?

iron is a high density metal, thus a very good conductor of electricity

What material is a condutor of electricity?

Materials that allow electricity to pass through them easily, such as metals. The best conductor is silver, but other metals such as copper and iron are also good conductors, while being a lot cheaper.

Why is iron a good conductor of electricity?

because iron is a metal