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There are actually at least 31 identified lithospheric plates, the plates consisting of crust and uppermost mantle which float on top of the plastic-like asthenosphere of the mantle.

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Q: How can you describe the seven crustal plates?
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What is the meaning of seven crustal plates?

ang 7 crustal plates ay may pitong plato ......

Do plates and crustal plates differ?

Plates and Crustal plates are not different it can also be called as Crustal rocks

How many crustal plates have been identified?

seven main plates and about 13 smaller ones

How many plates are in the crustal plates?

There are 14 crustal plates on the earth.

What is the evidence for the existence of crustal plates?

Worldwide, the mountains are the evidence of crustal plates.

What are the seven major crustal plates?

1. Pacific Plate2. North American plate3. South American Plate4.African Plate5. Eurasian plate6. Australian plateand last but not least7. Antarctic plate

Images of the seven crustal plates?

Don't understand the question. If you want images of the subject, google it.

About how many crustal plates have been identified?

5 crustal plates

What do crustal plates carry?


What is the behavior of the crustal plates in relation to the asthenosphere?

Crustal (or lithospheric) plates are pulled or pushed by the movement of heated rock in the asthenosphere.

How many crustal plates are there?

There are fourteen crustal plates. They all move at different speeds and in different directions.There are three types of plate boundaries; Divergent, Convergent Bounderies, and and transform faults.

What are the crustal plate?

The seven crustal plates are African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Australian Plate, Eurasian Plate, North American Plate, South American Plate, and Pacific Plate.