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A silicate mineral contains silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) which will be shown in the formula.

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Q: How can you recognize a silicate mineral from its chemical formula?
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What is a non silicate mineral Please be specific I really hope you guys and gals can find the answer. Questions?

A non silicate mineral is one that does not contain the combination of silicon and oxygen in the chemical formula of the mineral. The mineral pyrite is a non silicate with the chemical formula FeS2 (iron and sulfur).

Definition of nonsilicate mineral?

A mineral that does not contain the silica tetrahedron is a non-silicate mineral.

What is the formula for the compound potassium aluminum silicate?

Potassium aluminium silicate has KAlSi3O8 as its chemical formula. It is the not-so-well-known mineral microcline. A link to the Wikipedia article on this mineral is supplied. There are some cool pics of the material as it was found in nature.

Is sodium aluminium silicate a mineral?

Yes! It is known as Plagioclase Feldspar. More specifically Albite and has the chemical formula NaAlSi3O8.

What is the silicate mineral that originates as a product of chemical weathering?

Clay minerals are the product of chemical weathering of silicate minerals, such as feldspars. Clays are silicate minerals.

Is topaz organic or inorganic?

Inorganic Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine with the chemical formula Al2SiO4(F,OH)2.

What mineral group is talc in?

The word 'potash' refers to potassium compounds and materials which are potassium bearing. A mineral is defined as a naturally occurring inorganic crystalline solid with a definite chemical composition; therefore, potash is not a mineral as such, and is not a member of a mineral group.

Is limestone a silicate mineral?

No. Dolomite is formed by the replacement of Calcium in the mineral calcite by Magnesium, giving the chemical formula (Ca,Mg)CaCO3. Rocks formed largely of calcite are called limestones, and those which show extensive Magnesium substitution in calcite are called Dolomitic limestones.

Is jasper a silicate mineral or a non-silicate mineral?

It's silicate.

Is ice a silicate or a non-silicate mineral?

It is a nonsilicate mineral. It is an oxide.

What is the formula for olivine?

The mineral olivine is (Fe, Mg)2SiO4, or ferromagnesian silicate.

What causes color in silicate minerals?

The color is derived from the elements in the mineral that accompany the silicon and oxygen in their chemical formula, their exposure to radiation, or the possible inclusion of trace elements or minerals.