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Water pollution occurs when a body of water is adversely affected due to the addition of large amounts of materials to the water. When it is unfit for its intended use, water is considered polluted. Many causes of pollution including sewage and fertilizers contain nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates. In excess levels, nutrients over stimulate the growth of aquatic plants and algae. Excessive growth of these types of organisms consequently clogs our waterways, use up dissolved oxygen as they decompose, and block light to deeper waters.

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Water can be tested for pollutants including bacteria, chemicals, and heavy metals. Signs of water pollution can also include visible debris, unusual color or odor, and dead aquatic life. Monitoring water sources regularly can help identify pollution early on.

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Q: How can you tell if water is polluted?
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How can you tell if water is polluted or clean?

You can tell if water is polluted by observing any unusual color, odor, or taste. Testing the water for common pollutants such as bacteria, heavy metals, and chemicals can also help determine its cleanliness. Additionally, monitoring the surrounding area for signs of pollution sources can provide insights into the water quality.

Water that is highly polluted with acid has a Ph number of what?

Highly polluted water with acid typically has a pH below 6.5. Acidic water can have a pH ranging from 0 to 6.5, indicating a high concentration of hydrogen ions.

Why is water so easily polluted?

Water is so easily polluted because of ground seepage. Water that is not needed in the ground will runoff into streams. If the ground has chemicals that would harm the stream or lake, the water is then polluted.

What happens to polluted water?

Polluted water can harm aquatic life, make drinking water unsafe, and spread diseases to humans. It can also degrade ecosystems and affect the overall health of the environment. Treatment processes such as filtration and chemical treatment can help remove pollutants from water before it is discharged back into the environment.

What kind of pollution is illustrated by a pipe gushing polluted water into a river?

The pollution illustrated by a pipe gushing polluted water into a river is water pollution. This occurs when harmful substances are discharged directly into bodies of water, which can have severe negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.

Related questions

What to do when water is polluted and your renting and already told the landlord about the problem?

You tell the health department.

Are shrimp polluted?

well if the shrimp are cuaght in polluted water then they are polluted but if there are caught in fresh water then theyt are not polluted

What is difference between polluted water and contaminated water?

polluted water is more dangerous for use and contaminated water is poisiones then polluted

How does one know if the water is polluted?

One will know if the water is polluted by putting a water reader in the body of liquid. This water reader will determine if the water is polluted or not.

What is the adjective of word pollute?

Polluted The Polluted creek is full of garbage.

Can polluted water cause paralysis?

It depends what it is polluted with.

What type of mixtures are in polluted water?

A polluted water may be a homogeneous or a heterogeneous mixture.

How can temperature be pollution?

Temperature is neutral. It is part of climate data, and is not pollution.

Is herpes virus disease commonly transmitted by polluted water?

Herpes is not transmitted by polluted water.

How do you turn polluted water into a polluted gas?

To turn polluted water into polluted gas, one method is by heating the polluted water to its boiling point to convert it into vapor. The vapor can then be collected and cooled to condense it back into a liquid, which would contain pollutants in gas form. This process allows for the separation of pollutants from water.

What are the effects of polluted water on human health?

Polluted water can cause several diseases. It depends on the way the water is polluted e.g. cholera, typhoid e.t.c. could be caused by bacterial infected water.

what are ways that water is polluted?

Three ways water can be polluted by are litter, gaseous emissions and oil spills