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Magnets do not actually have any effect on the human body. There is less iron in the entirety of your body than there is in a couple of iron screws, and the iron that IS in your body is not of the magnetic variety. If Magnetic Healing were real, then any time someone went in for an MRI scan all of the blood in your body would be ripped through your skin and splatter onto the machine.

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Q: How can you tell which side of a magnet to place on your body for magnetic healing therapy?
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How can you test if a material is magnetic?

Using a compass; You move the compass around the object and if the hand in the compass goes mad, then it is a magnet To test how something is magnetic: See if it sticks to a magnet. It will only be magnetic if it is made from nickle, iron or cobalt. Steel is also magnetic because it is made mostly from iron. Hope this helps x

How can you determine the poles of an odd shaped magnet?

You place the magnet under a piece of paper, and then sprinkle some iron filings on the paper. The iron filings will line up along the magnetic lines of force, which will show very clearly where the magnetic poles are.

Which statement correctly describes how a bar magnet should be placed on a globe to correctly align with Earth's magnetic field?

Place the magnet vertically on the equator, with the north end facing the North Pole.

How does rubbing a magnet along an iron nail create a temporary magnet?

No. It only needs to pass through a magnetic field to become magnetized. It does not need to come into physical contact with the magnet producing that field. This is because the process of magnetization has to do with electromagnetic induction rather than physical contact. You can perform a simple experiment at home to prove this point. You'll need a bar magnet, a paper clip, and a thin sheet of paper. Place the paper between the magnet and the clip. Rub the clip against the paper on top of the magnet, and observe that the clip will still become magnetized even though it is not in physical contact with the magnet.

What is the procedure to draw magnetic field lines?

If it is a small magnet, like one that you can hold in your hand, place the magnet on a flat surface, put a white sheet of paper over it, take iron shavings or shavings from a magnetic metal, and sprinkle them on the paper. Gently shake the paper if you have to. You should start to see lines from where the magnetic fields attracted the metal.

Related questions

What happen when you place a magnetic card with a magnet?

short answer: bye-bye data long answer: the magnetic forces in the magnet scramble the magnetic domains on the magnetic card, thus killing the data on the card

What is the field around a magnet?

A magnetic field. where attraction and repulsion takes place around the magnet.

What is the neutral point of the magnet?

In a combined magnetic field, a neutral point is a place where the magnetic field is zero

If iron and sulfur were a mixture how could they be separated?

The easiest way would be to use a magnet. Iron is naturally magnetic, and will respond to and follow a magnet, while sulfur is not magnetic and will stay in its place.

What is a force that wraps around a magnet?

magnetic pull

How can you test if a material is magnetic?

Using a compass; You move the compass around the object and if the hand in the compass goes mad, then it is a magnet To test how something is magnetic: See if it sticks to a magnet. It will only be magnetic if it is made from nickle, iron or cobalt. Steel is also magnetic because it is made mostly from iron. Hope this helps x

How can iron and sulfur be seperated?

Iron is a magnetic substance. Place a magnet over the sample. Iron will stick to the magnet, while sulfur will remain.

The place near the ends of a magnet from which the main magnetic pull seems to come?

The poles of a magnet. Labeled as north pole and south pole.

Why won't a compass work near a magnet?

The compass needle is itself a magnet which is why it always points north according to the earth's magnetic field. If you place a magnet (Whose magnetic power is stronger than the earth's) close to the compass its needle will be attracted t the magnet and not to the North Pole.

What happens when you place a bar magnet on a saucer and place the saucer in a bucket of water?

The floating saucer-magnet system become a compass, and it will line up with the earth's magnetic field.

Is flux visible to human naked eye or not?

Magnetic flux by itself is not visible to the human eye, but they can be seen with a flat, non-magnetic, thin surface. A magnet and some Iron filings. Simply place the magnet under the flat surface (such as a thin sheet of wood) and hold it there. then place the Iron filings above the flat surface and move the magnet a little. you should see the magnetic lines of flux if the magnet is powerful enough.

The location of the strongest magnetic forces is the?

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