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Because trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and if they cut them down we will have more carbon dioxide.

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Q: How could cutting down trees lead to the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
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What is the quickest way to reduce the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Stop driving cars

The enhanced greenhouse effect is principally caused by the build up of what gases in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide and methane.

What three things cause carbon to be released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide?

The carbon cycle moves carbon from the earth and the oceans into the atmosphere.Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) releases carbon.When animals, and humans, breathe we release carbon into the atmosphere.Burning fossil fuels or wood (all containing carbon) the carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere.The answer is the natural carbon cycle, in which animals exhale carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and plants then absorb the gas and use it to build their cells, which are of course later consumed by the animals.

Does carbon dioxide trap heat?

Yes, carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the greenhouse gases. It absorbs heat (infrared radiation) rising from the surface of the earth and prevents some of it escaping to space. The build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is contributing to the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

How is carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere?

There is the natural carbon cycle, in which animals exhale carbon dioxide, but plants absorb the gas and use it to build their cells, which are of course consumed by the animals. Death and rotting are also part of this long-term cycle. However this does not add new carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and concentrations remained relatively constant in the range 260 to 280 parts per million (ppm) prior to the start of the Industrial Age.Relatively small amounts of new carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere by volcanic eruptions.Anthropogenic additions of new carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels and manufacturing cement.Deforestation releases into the atmosphere carbon dioxide that is not strictly from 'new' carbon but which was stored in the forests for many thousands of years, thereby adding to the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide.A:After plants go through photosynthesis and when they die and decay, it comes back up into the atmosphere. By animals, the carbon is released by the animal dying and decaying into the soil, and also carbon goes into the atmosphere from the body of the dead animal..Carbon dioxide is released into the air by doing simple every-day activities, such as using a dishwasher or a microwave, using air conditioning, or even turning on a light. The biggest producers of carbon dioxide are cars. In the US alone cars released 314 million metric tons in 2004. Carbon dioxide is also released into the air when plants or animals die. Bacteria, fungi, and other decomposers break down their parts, and release carbon dioxide into the air.

Related questions

What is the quickest way to reduce the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Stop driving cars

The enhanced greenhouse effect is principally caused by the build up of what gases in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide and methane.

What 2 processes that cause carbon to move out of the atmosphere?

photosynthesis: plants take in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and use it to build carbohydrates.dissolving: carbon dioxide dissolves in rainwater and oceans.

Carbon dioxide build up in your atmosphere for two reasons what is the best example of the prob?

because of cows and cars

How can a build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increase Earth's global temperature?

When greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere then the temperature rises. Greenhouse gases capture heat rising from the surface of the earth and prevent it escaping to space.

What three things cause carbon to be released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide?

The carbon cycle moves carbon from the earth and the oceans into the atmosphere.Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) releases carbon.When animals, and humans, breathe we release carbon into the atmosphere.Burning fossil fuels or wood (all containing carbon) the carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere.The answer is the natural carbon cycle, in which animals exhale carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and plants then absorb the gas and use it to build their cells, which are of course later consumed by the animals.

If you cut down fewer trees will that help global warming?

Yes. A mature tree can hold around a tonne of carbon that would otherwise end up as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. Of course, trees do not live forever, and it is important to ensure a new tree is allowed to grow when the old one eventually dies.

What are at least three possible effects of people continuously cutting down trees?

The trees (or part of them) are burnt or rot, releasing Carbon dioxide (CO2), a powerful greenhouse gas.Trees that rot anaerobically (without oxygen) release methane (CH4), a greenhouse gas 21 times more powerful than carbon dioxide.The trees no longer remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (by photosynthesis), so levels of carbon dioxide build up in the atmosphere. This is contributing to global warming and climate change.Animals and birds lose their habitats. This is particularly serious for animals like pandas and koalas that have a special diet.

Does carbon dioxide trap heat?

Yes, carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the greenhouse gases. It absorbs heat (infrared radiation) rising from the surface of the earth and prevents some of it escaping to space. The build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is contributing to the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

What happens to marine life when more carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere?

Extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere means that more of it moves into the oceans, making the water more acidic. This makes it more difficult for marine life to build their shells, so all kinds of creatures, from coral to shellfish, are in danger.

Where does carbon dioxide go once it dissolves in the ocean?

Yes, the oceans remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Because there are high levels of this greenhouse gas the oceans are becoming more acidic. This is damaging corals and preventing shellfish build strong shells.

How is carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere?

There is the natural carbon cycle, in which animals exhale carbon dioxide, but plants absorb the gas and use it to build their cells, which are of course consumed by the animals. Death and rotting are also part of this long-term cycle. However this does not add new carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and concentrations remained relatively constant in the range 260 to 280 parts per million (ppm) prior to the start of the Industrial Age.Relatively small amounts of new carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere by volcanic eruptions.Anthropogenic additions of new carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels and manufacturing cement.Deforestation releases into the atmosphere carbon dioxide that is not strictly from 'new' carbon but which was stored in the forests for many thousands of years, thereby adding to the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide.A:After plants go through photosynthesis and when they die and decay, it comes back up into the atmosphere. By animals, the carbon is released by the animal dying and decaying into the soil, and also carbon goes into the atmosphere from the body of the dead animal..Carbon dioxide is released into the air by doing simple every-day activities, such as using a dishwasher or a microwave, using air conditioning, or even turning on a light. The biggest producers of carbon dioxide are cars. In the US alone cars released 314 million metric tons in 2004. Carbon dioxide is also released into the air when plants or animals die. Bacteria, fungi, and other decomposers break down their parts, and release carbon dioxide into the air.