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early organisms created oxygen from other gases in the atomsphere

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Q: How did Earth come to have an oxygen atmosph?
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What is earth atmosph ere made up of?

Nitrogen 78.0842% Oxygen 20.9463% Water Vapor 1% Argon 0.9342% Carbon dioxide 0.0384% (and rising) Other gases 0.0020%

Where does oxygen come from and why is it important to life on earth?

Oxygen is important as it the breathing sources. It also forms ozone which is vital for life on earth.

How did earth come have an oxygen atmosphere?

Early organisms created oxygen from other gases in the atmosphere. More specifically, the methane atmosphere on Earth was supplanted by oxygen generated by microorganisms in the oceans. Today, the vast majority of our oxygen comes from the ocean - mainly plants. Earth came to have a oxygen atmostphere because that is the way God invisoned it, so thats how he made it.

Effects of no oxygen on earth?

Oxygen is main gas of earth. If there is no oxygen in the earth all the life in the earth should die.

Do volcanoes have oxygen?

No. A volcano erupts molten material from inside the earth. Actual fire is not involved:the material is hot to begin with and has been since the formation of the earth.

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Does air come from the sun?

No. Earth's atmosphere most likely originate from volcanic atmosphere. The oxygen is produced by plants.

Where do you get your oxygen on earth?

we get oxygen from the trees

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many medicines come from the rainforests

Why can't earth's oxygen travel through space?

Earth's atmosphere, including the oxygen, is bound to Earth by gravity.

What is the diffenerce of earth and space?

There is oxygen and gravitational force on earth but there is no oxygen and gravitational force

How does oxygen make life sutable on earth?

Oxygen makes it human capable of breathing in earth that's why when there is oxygen, there is life.