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Scientists agree that significant amounts of oxygen were first put into the atmosphere by cyanobacteria which used and still use a process called photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen. The sugar is then used to build cell walls and in the metabolism. When plants evolved, they too carried out photosynthesis, putting even more oxygen into the atmosphere. Prior to the evolution of cyanobacteria, the metabolisms of organism relied on anaerobic processes.

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Q: How did oxygen come into the atmosphere according to evolutionists?
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Oxygen when came in contact with UV broke down. It then reacted with more oxygen to form ozone.

Where do the oxygen atoms in the CO2 come from?

The oxygen most often comes from the atmosphere which is 21% oxygen.

Where does the free oxygen in Earths atmosphere come from?

The free oxygen bubbled up from the oceans.

Where does oxygen in water come from?

Water molecules are formed by the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.

Where does the oxygen that plants release into the atmosphere come from?

It is the Oxygen from the CO2 and H2O tat they use to make sugars.

Where does the oxygen your body needs come from?

Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis and release it into the atmosphere where we can breathe it.

Does air come from the sun?

No. Earth's atmosphere most likely originate from volcanic atmosphere. The oxygen is produced by plants.

How did free oxygen come about in the atmosphere?

2.2 Billion years ago Photosynthetic bacteria in the ocean began churning out oxygen as a result of photosynthesis. Then, oxygen gas started accumulating in the atmosphere.

Where did oxygen come from in the ocean?

It is diffused from the air, in the atmosphere, and from plant life in the ocean.

Where does the oxygen needed for burning wood come from?

Oxygen is part of the mixture of gases we breath. Therefore, burning wood uses the oxygen in the atmosphere.

How does oxygen occur?

If you mean how does it come to be in the atmosphere, oxygen is released into the atmosphere by plants, mostly by phytoplankton in the ocean. I you mean how is oxygen created in the first place, it is the result of lighter elements being fused together in the cores of stars.

Where does the free oxygen it the atmosphere come form today?

It is produced by the photosynthesis of plant life.