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Most of the nitrogen in the atmosphere came from solar evaporation of nitrogen rich elements in the soil of the early earth. It now makes up almost 80% of the atmosphere.

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Q: How did the level of nitrogen gas increase in the atmosphere?
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Does the atmosphere have more nitrogen or oxygen in it?

Nitrogen is more in the atmosphere. Around 78% of the atmosphere is nitrogen gas and 21% is oxygen gas.

What is the abundant gas in the atmosphere?

The most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen.

What is atmosperic nitrogen?

The nitrogen gas present in the atmosphere is called atmospheric nitrogen. About 78% of the Earth's atmosphere is made of nitrogen gas.

Is nitrogen the second most abundant gas in our atmosphere?

Nitrogen is the first abundant gas in our atmosphere.

What is the abundant gas of the earths atmosphere?

the most abundant gas of the atmosphere is nitrogen with high percentage 78.09

What is the most abuntant gas in the earth's atmosphere?

nitrogen is the most abundant gas about 70 percent is nitrogen in atmosphere

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the most abundant gas in the atmosphere is nitrogen

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What gas makes up the majority of the Earth's atmosphere

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Why is nitrogen gas in the atmosphere useless to plants?

Nitrogen gas cannot be absorbed by plants

Nitrogen is always found in which molecule?

Nitrogen can be found and obtained from air. about 78.08% of the air we breathe is nitrogen...Nitrogen is a gas.It is dominant in atmosphere.

How much nitrogen gas is in the atmosphere N2?

The Earth's atmosphere is approximately 79% nitrogen.