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They get cold in winter and have to grow leaves to survive

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1mo ago

Bare trees become green again through a process called leaf-out. As the weather warms and days get longer, trees activate their dormant buds. These buds then sprout new leaves, allowing the tree to photosynthesize and produce chlorophyll, which gives them their green color.

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When was Bare Trees created?

Bare Trees was created in 1971.

What are trees that lose there leaves in autumn called?

I was told that they are called bare trees or naked but the mature answer is bare.

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Evergreen trees have bare branches in winter? Evergreens have foliage 12 months of the year so will not have bare branches in winter.

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well there are evergreen trees and they give of oxygen too

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yes yes there not

What happens to leaves of dedicious trees?

They grow in spring from buds. They stay green in summer. They fall off in autumn. They rot down and worms eat them. The tree is bare in winter.

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coniferous trees never are completlly bare

What color is a ground wire in an electrical distribution?

The main electrical ground wire is sized to the service and is non insulted bare copper. Branch circuit grounds are green in conduit installations and bare copper again in house wiring cables.

How can you use green in a sentence?

Anything that would describe it. Basically, anything green in color. e.g a verdant lawn( lush green lawn), the valley turns verdant in spring ( green) It also means Lacking knowledge and unsophisticated e.g a verdant college freshman