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Many of the activities that humans do have a direct or indirect link to contributing gases into the atmosphere. For example if you want to go swimming at a pool which is a 5 minute drive from your house, the swimming would not produce greenhouse gases into the air but the 5 minute drive would. But if you participated in a car race that would have a direct link to producing greenhouse gases becouse when you drive a normal petrol or gasoline powered car you would be producing carbon dioxide into the air.

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Q: How do humans activities add gases and aerosols to the atmosphere?
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Is the atmosphere an example of an solution?

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It depends on the gas. Greenhouse gases will tend to warm the troposphere. Aerosols such as black carbon will tend to block out the sun and cool the atmosphere, though these are generally not gases. Adding ozone-depleting gases will destroy ozone in the stratosphere, allowing more UV radiation to reach the surface which is harmful to life.

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The atmosphere is a mixture of gases. (78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% other) Negatively.

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gases, nitrites, solvents and aerosols.

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They have increased the levels of the greenhouse gases.(Apex)