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There are two seasons- rainy and dry. The equator is near the middle of the earth so it does not experience spring summer fall and winter like the rest of the planet. However, as earth is still tilted, the equator does experience some seasonal change. The dry season is not dry dry, but it that season simply has less rainfall than the rainy season.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

Places at the equator typically do not experience traditional four seasons like other regions. Instead, they generally have a hot and wet season, followed by a hot and dry season. This is due to the equatorial location receiving consistent sunlight and warm temperatures throughout the year.

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14y ago

The earth's equator is not stationary in relation to the sun. You might say that the earth's poles wobble on it's axis, which means sometimes the equator is not as close to the sun as other times, thus creating seasons. That being said, countries that are on the equator are usually always warm, despite the seasons.

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13y ago

All places on earth experince sesons. In has to do with the positon you are on earth. If you are in the northern hemishere and it is summer, it is winter in the southern hemishere. On the equater the weather stays relatively the same, but there still are diffrent seasons and slightly different temperatures.

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12y ago

No. The equator merely divides the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres; the incline of the Earth's axis (23° from vertical) is what causes the seasons, by causing variations in how much sunlight strikes each hemisphere at various points during our planet's orbit around the sun.

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it grows well

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4y ago

Some tropical countries do experience some seasons, a dry or wet season could be common

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Q: How do places at the equator experience the seasons?
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Countries that are closer to the equator experience less variety in their seasons. Singapore is in that region. Countries that are further from the equator experience the four seasons. It is all down to the way the Earth tilts. It has more affect on countries that are further from the equator in terms of the weather extremes that are experienced.

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No, not all places along the equator are very warm. Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan are located far from the equator and experience four distinct seasons with cold winters due to their northern latitudes. These states have a continental climate influenced by their distance from the equator, not warmth associated with the equator.

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The Philippines and other tropical countries near the equator experiences only two seasons - wet and dry. Countries located far above or far below the equator, such as the United States and England, experience four seasons.

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Areas include places near the equator, and hot places such as Texas and Florida.

Besides from being near to the equator why do Philippines experience only two seasons?

cause Frank's a bastud

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Near the equator, the seasons do not change significantly. Areas located close to the equator experience consistent temperatures and day length throughout the year, leading to minimal seasonal variations. This region is known as the tropics.

Do places on the equator get seasons just like Britain?

No. Near the equator the sun is always very high in the sky so freezing temperatures can not occur.

How many seasons are experienced on the equator?

4 seasons are experienced on the equator

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Countries near the equator, such as Uganda and Kenya, typically have only two main seasons: wet and dry. These countries experience consistent temperatures throughout the year due to their proximity to the equator.

Do all countries have autumn?

No, not all countries have autumn. Autumn is a seasonal change that occurs in regions with temperate climates characterized by a significant change in temperature and the shedding of leaves from trees. Countries near the equator typically do not experience distinct autumn seasons.

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South America. They're right on the Equator.