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The atoms are like tiny little ninjas who attack monkeys that come to invade the tower of wholahaa, ions are little gangsters who attack on sight and have super gangsta powers

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Q: How do the properties of aluminum and copper atoms differ from the properties of their ions?
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Do atoms of the same element differ in chemical properties?

No. Atoms of the same element have the same chemical properties.

Do a molecule have new properties when a chemical bond forms between two atoms?

Yes. The properties of the molecule will differ from the properties of the individual atoms of which it is made.

Is substance made of copper atoms and chlorine atoms combined together will have the same chemical properties as copper and chlorine individually true or false?


Why is one mole of aluminum larger than one mole of copper?

It isn't. The mass of one mole of aluminum is less than the mass of one mole of copper. The number of atoms in one mole of aluminum is the same as the number of atoms in one mole of copper, which is 6.022 x 1023, also known as Avogodro's number.

How can you obtain copper from copper sulphate?

Place a piece of aluminum wire into a copper sulphate solution. Aluminum will replace the copper in the copper sulphate and copper will come out of solution and form along the aluminum wire, actually replacing the atoms of aluminum. The chemical equation is 2Al(s) + 3CuSO4(aq) ---> 3Cu(s) + Al2(SO4)3(aq). This kind of reaction is called a single replacement or single displacement.

How do you separate copper sulphate from copper?

Copper sulphate is a compound, so copper must be obtained through a chemical reaction. To obtain copper from copper sulfate, do the following: Place a piece of aluminum wire into a copper sulphate solution. Aluminum will replace the copper in the copper sulphate and copper will come out of solution and form along the aluminum wire, actually replacing the atoms of aluminum. The chemical equation is 2Al(s) + 3CuSO4(aq) ---> 3Cu(s) + Al2(SO4)3(aq). This kind of reaction is called a single replacement or single displacement.

What mass of copper contains the same number of atoms as 68.7 g of iron?

63.55g or 63.55 grams

Why can gold and copper have the same extensive properties?

Extensive properties have to do with the amount or size of a substance. Gold and copper samples can be made to have the same mass or the same volume, or the same number of moles, or atoms.

What happens to the properties of atoms a when they are joined through a chemical reaction to form a compound?

When different atoms join, a new substance is formed that has properties that differ from the properties of the original atoms. Example: Hydrogen and oxygen separately are colorless, odorless gases at room temperature. When combined in a chemical reaction, they form water.

What is considered building blocks for engineering materials?

The most common materials that are used in engineering are the following: aluminum and copper alloys, other metals, plastics, ceramics, and composite materials.

What atoms combine to make aluminum?

Aluminum is an element. It is made entirely of aluminum atoms.

What atoms are in aluminum sulphate?

2 aluminum atoms 4 sulphur atoms 4 oxygen atoms