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Actually , the atmospheric pressure is constant i.e 1 atmosphere. So, it's already determined....

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1mo ago

To determine atmospheric pressure using Boyle's law, you need to measure the volume and pressure of a gas when it is in equilibrium with the atmosphere. By rearranging Boyle's law equation (P1V1 = P2V2) and substituting the known values, you can solve for the atmospheric pressure. The initial pressure (P1) will be the pressure of the gas in the apparatus, and the final pressure (P2) will be the atmospheric pressure pushing on the gas.

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How do fortin barometers work?

Fortin barometers work by measuring atmospheric pressure using a column of mercury in a glass tube. The mercury level rises and falls based on changes in atmospheric pressure, which is then read on a scale marked on the side of the tube. The Fortin barometer is designed to provide accurate pressure readings for meteorological or scientific purposes.

An airtight instrument composed of thin sheets of metal used to measure air pressure?

The instrument you are referring to is called a barometer. It measures air pressure by using a column of mercury or aneroid capsules to detect changes in atmospheric pressure.

Can sea-level pressure and station pressure be the same?

No, sea-level pressure and station pressure are not the same. Station pressure is the atmospheric pressure measured at a specific location, while sea-level pressure is the station pressure adjusted to sea level using a standard formula to account for differences in elevation.

Which instrument measures the air pressure using a metal chamber from which some air has been removed?

A barometer measures air pressure using a metal chamber from which some air has been removed. The most common type is the mercury barometer, where the air pressure pushes down on a pool of mercury in a glass tube to indicate atmospheric pressure.

Does a wind vane measure in millibars?

No, a wind vane is a tool that measures the direction of the wind, not atmospheric pressure. Millibars are a unit of pressure typically measured using a barometer.

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How do you calculate total pressure of water?

The total pressure of water is calculated by adding the atmospheric pressure to the pressure due to the depth of the water column using the formula: total pressure = atmospheric pressure + (density of water × acceleration due to gravity × depth of water).

How does the tomomoter work?

A barometer measures atmospheric pressure by using a column of mercury to indicate changes in pressure. As air pressure changes, it moves the mercury up or down in a tube. This movement is then converted into a numerical value representing the atmospheric pressure.

What are two methods for measuring air pressure?

Two methods for measuring air pressure are using a barometer, which measures atmospheric pressure, and using a manometer, which measures the pressure of gases and vapors in a closed system.

How does an aneroid barometer measure atmospheric pressure?

A barometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. It can measure the pressure exerted by the atmosphere by using water, air, or mercury.An aneroid barometer is a barometer which measures pressure without using fluids!An aneroid barometer is somewhat different and uses a sealed chamber upon which the fluctuating atmospheric pressure acts. Through mechanical means a pointer is moved on a calibrated scale.

Can you make a meaningful sentence using the word air pressure?

Different levels of atmospheric air pressure affect our weather every day.

What is a sentence using atmospheric pressure?

Atmospheric pressure is the force exerted by the weight of air in the Earth's atmosphere, creating the conditions for weather patterns and affecting the behavior of gases and liquids under different elevations.

How would you determine the maximum inflation point when taking blood pressure?

you can determine the maximum inflation point when taking blood pressure by using palpation.

What is the function of mercurial barometer?

A mercurial barometer measures atmospheric pressure by using a column of mercury in a glass tube. As air pressure changes, the level of mercury in the tube rises or falls, indicating the current atmospheric pressure. This information is used to provide weather forecasts and monitor changes in barometric pressure.

Who discovered atmospheric pressure?

Evangelista Torricelli, an Italian physicist and mathematician, is credited with discovering atmospheric pressure in the 17th century. He invented the first mercury barometer and used it to demonstrate the existence of atmospheric pressure.

What are the instruments used for measuring atmospheric pressure?

Instruments used for measuring atmospheric pressure include barometers, aneroid barometers, and electronic pressure sensors. Barometers measure pressure using a column of liquid (mercury or water) while aneroid barometers use a flexible metal capsule. Electronic pressure sensors use electronic components to capture pressure data.

What is atmospheric pressure at 1006 feet?

see this link and interpolate using proportions:

How is a person able to drink using a straw?

Because he creates lower air pressure in his mouth compared to the atmospheric pressure - thus the liquid is pushed through the straw as a result of pressure difference.