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washing machine,iron box and lights

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Q: How do you use electricity on a daily basis?
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What technology afefect everydady life?

Electronics and software are in almost everything we use on a daily basis: cars, refirgerators, washing machines, even delivering the electricity to your house.

What is the average cost of electricity in a one bedroom apartment in Mississippi?

The average cost for electricity in an one bedroom apartment in Mississippi is close to $50 per month. The amount will vary depending upon the things that you use on a daily basis.

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Actually you can use the Socratic method on a daily basis. It is a way to solve issues when you have different opinions about things.

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Yes they are perfectly safe to use daily. If you do choose to use them on a daily basis then try the unscented ones.

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No, no one goes to mikvah on a daily basis.

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97% of women use hairspray on a daily basis

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Google Translate is used by millions of people around the world on a daily basis, but the exact number is not publicly disclosed by Google.

Why doesnt Storm have an afro?

She is a mutant and her hair is exposed to electricity, high wind, and rain on a daily basis. She is lucky to have any hair.

How do you use sullied in a sentence?

His potty-mouth sullies his reputation on a daily basis.