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The amount of mass on each side of the formula is equal, therefore satisfing the fact that mass is neither created nor destroyed.

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Q: How does a chemical reaction satisfy the Law of Conservation of Mass?
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A chemical equation must be balanced to satisfy the law of what?

A balanced chemical reaction obeys the law of conservation of mass, because the same number of atoms of each element must appear on both sides of the equation for the reaction, and in any actual reaction, the same exact atoms will be found on both sides of the equation.

What does the law of conservation of mass tell about the mass of a reactants and products in a reaction before a chemical reaction and the ass of the products of the mass of products after a chemical?

The law of conservation of mass tells us that the mass of the products will equal the mass of the reactants in a chemical reaction.

Why do both sides of a chemical equation have to be equal?

In order to satisfy the law of conservation of matter/mass, which states that in a chemical reaction matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

What law states that the mass can not be lost or gained in a chemical reaction?

The law of conservation of mass states that in a chemical reaction the mass of the reactants must equal the mass of the product.

Which scientific law predicts that the mass of the reactants before a chemical reaction will equal the mass of the products after the reaction has taken place?

Law of Conservation of Mass (aka Law of Conservation of Matter)

What does the law of conservation mass states that during a chemical reaction total mass is what?

D. always equal to the total mass of the products.

In a balanced chemical reaction the total mass of the products always equals the total what?

In a balanced chemical reaction the total mass of the products always equals the total mass of reactants; this is the law of mass conservation.

How does law of the conservation of mass apply to chemical reactions?

The Law of Conservation of Mass applies to chemical changes. When considering a chemical change this would mean that the total mass of all of the reactants in the chemical reaction is equal to the total mass of products in the chemical reaction.

In a chemical reaction the total mass of the substances before the reaction is?

The mass of all substances before a chemical reaction is equal to the mass of the substance after the reaction. This is under the law of conservation of mass.

What states that mass is neither created nor destroyed in chemical reaction?

The law of Conservation of mass states that 'mass is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction'.

What is the principle called of the conservation of mass?

The principle of conservation of mass states that in a chemical reaction, the total mass of the reactants must equal the total mass of the products.

How is the law of conservation of matter represents in a chemical reaction?

The mass of reactants is equal to the mass of products.