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Air travels upwards rapidly in a tornado. If the speed of the updraft exceeds the terminal velocity of a person, then it can lift people off the ground.

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Q: How does a tornado suck people up?
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Why is a tornado able to suck up anything in its path?

Most tornadoes cannot "suck up" much more than small objects. Tornadoes can suck in and lift objects as the low pressure pulls air inward at great speed. In the tornado air then travels upward rapidly, often carrying some objects with it.

Can a tornado suck 70 people at a time?

Probably not at one time. While it is certainly possibly for a tornado to kill 70 or more people in a short period of time, most people who die in a tornado are not picked up, but are struck by debris or crushed in collapsing structures. In most cases of deaths, even in very violent tornadoes, bodies are found fairly close to where they originated. A large group of people standing in the open could get picked up by a large tornado, but this is a very unlikely scenario as people will usually be inside if a tornado is approaching.

Can a tornado suck up people?

Tornadoes can lift people up, but they usually are thrown out of the vortex before being carried very high. Most of the people killed in tornadoes are struck or crushed by debris.

Does a Tornado suck up objects?

Very often, yes, a tornado will lift objects into the air. Light objects such as pieces of paper can make it all the way into the stratosphere.

Can a tornado suck up a big concrete dome?

If it is a very large one, most likely not. However, a strong enough tornado could cause a concrete dome to collapse.

Can a tornado suck up a house?

Yes. Tornadoes have been known to lift houses into the air. It usually takes a very strong tornado to do so, generally of F4 or F5 intensity.

What happens to a fish when there's a tornado?

If a tornado hits a body of water (at which point it is called a waterspout) it can "suck up" some unlucky fish. These fall back to earth a little later.

Does a tornado suck or blow wind?

Tornadoes suck air inward and upward. Close to the center of the tornado there is little inward motion. There the wind mostly moves in a circle and upwards.

Do waterspouts suck up people?

It's essentially a tornado over water. While it isn't as strong. The level at which it is, is directly relevant to the power it has. In short, I wouldn't go near it. And probably if you went directly in it.

How does a tornado suck up everything in its path?

Most tornadoes do not suck up everything in their path, because most are not strong enough. But tornadoes can lift objects because in addition to their powerful rotating winds they have a very strong updraft.

Is it possible for a tornado to be made out of water?

A tornado cannot actually be made of water. A tornado can occur on water and suck water into it, but it will still be mostly made of air.

Do tornadoes suck all the air?

The air does get sucked upward in a tornado, but a tornado does not create a complete vacuum, if that's what you mean.