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What happens is that the sun's energy forms evaporation. Than, the evaporation moisturizes the hot air.

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Q: How does energy from the sun lead to the formation of a hurricane?
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Why does a hurricane form and why is the sun important to the formation of a hurricane?

I do not know why dose the hurricane form but i know that the hurricane needs the sun.It needs it because the hurricane needs warm water.

What is the relationship between energy from the sun and hurricane?

I don't know but I do known that the sun is very hot

How does the suns energy plays a role in the formation of ocean waves?

The sun's energy plays a role in the formation of ocean waves by the sun giving off energy to keep the winds energy going and the wave has the energy transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas.

Does the sun influenced the formation of wind on earths surface?

Not only influence, The Sun's energy is the CAUSE of wind on Earth.

How does energy cause wind to blow?

the energy of the sun and the divergent parts of the wind cause each and every part of why the sun causes energy which will lead to the wind blowing

Can there be energy without the sun?

Yes. There are energy sources within planets due to residual heat of formation and radioactive decay, but the sun is far, far and away the greatest energy source in this neck of the woods. Any and all other sources of energy are miniscule by comparison to the sun.

Why is the formation of starts an important threshold in big history?

We get most of our energy from one of those stars (the Sun).

How does the sun relate to a hurricane?

It is the heat of the sun which causes the atmospheric and oceanic turbulence which generates a hurricane.

Does the moon supply energy to drive the water cycle?

Moon leads to tide formation. It helps in driving water cycle.

What did the solar system have to do with Hurricane Katrina?

There are only two ways in which the solar system relates to Hurricane Katrina.Hurricane Katrina was on Earth, which is part of the solar system.The energy that fueled the hurricane ultimately came from the sun. The same is true of all storms.

How does the sea gain kinetic energy?

there is tide formation in sea sdue to gravitational pull of sun and moon and thus potential energy which on falling gets converted to kinetic energy

How does the sun control your weather?

The sun provides the energy of Earth's weather by heating the surface. Differences in heating on the surface are largely responsible for the formation of weather patterns.