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Well, the increased heat is turning solid polar ice caps into liquid water.

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Q: How does global warming affect changes in the state of matter?
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How does a chemical change affect the composition of matter?

chemical change = chemical reaction. ( the composition of matter always changes). In a chemical change the matter in one thing changes, for example you will know a chemical change has occurred when the color or odor has changes or when a new gas is given off.

Is there any international agreements to control global warming?

Carbon dioxideCarbon monoxideMethaneOxides of nitrogen- Nitrogen dioxide, Nitrogen oxide, Nitrous oxideSulphur dioxideSuspended Particulate Matter

How does planting trees minimize global warming?

Trees use the carbon dioxide in the air to grow. And that reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, which reduces the green house effect. They need Carbon Dioxide in order to photosynthesize. Since CO2 is the leading contributor to global warming, having the trees take it out of the atmosphere to be converted into oxygen, slows the process somewhat.

Is there miscalculation of global warming?

Yes. I heard scientists are now believing that the Earth is going through a period of cooling, and this should continue for 10 years. But then they said the models they made of global warming SHOULD start being ACCURATE by the time this ENDS. So right now, the models are wrong about global warming, but THEY WILL BE RIGHT AGAIN 10 years from now. :P (the models were always wrong I'm trying to hint at, and will always be)

Why is global warming sometimes measured on extinctions not degrees?

It is because no matter what the temperature is, it doesn't say anything about global warming. The extinctions tell us how much damage we are doing to the world. Temperatures can change, but extinctions cannot without lots of work and lots of help. We need to stop and think about what we are doing to the things around us and the animals that we are killing when we forget to turn off the tv or leave the light on when you do not need it. You are killing the animals.

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What best describes the matter in an ecosystem?

global warming and recycling xx lol xx

Could any one give tips to write an article on the topic Global warming vs global cold snap?

Polar bears are amphibians, so global warming doesn't matter.

Is there a valid way to study global warming?

The most valid way to study global warming is through history. Scientists observe the past occurances of climate, environment, atmosphere, etc., to understand the way global warming is developing over time. To gain the most insight on global warming, it would be wise to work alongside someone who is studying it themselves. Global warming is simply a matter of tracking trends and analyzing patterns to make inferences. If you are doing this, you are studying global warming,

Which country was the fourth largest contributor to global warming?

Song Verse: "It does not Really Matter."

How does permafrost melting affect global warming?

potentially all vegatable matter currently locked in permafrost may begin to decompose and release huge amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.

Is global warming caused by air pollutants?

Warmer weather patterns could cause increases in decomposing matter and therby creating some gases which are problematic. The warming of 0.2 degrees we have experienced though since 1934 is not enough to cause significant changes in these processes though.

Are changes in the state of matter are physical chemical or neither?

changes in states of matter are physical changes, as they do not affect the chemical properties of the substance

How can you stop global warming from destroying the earth?

Global warming will not destroy the earth. The earth will continue to exist even at 10 or 20 degrees hotter than it is now. However, life on earth is a different matter. If we do nothing to stop global warming, the future of all life on earth, including human life, is in great danger.

What will happen to the animals if global warming doesn't stop?

Animals will adapt, as they always have. The fact of the matter is that Earth has been warmer in the past than it is now. The temperature of this planet is not changes on a fairly regular basis. Animals (including humans) will either adapt to the changes or become extinct.

Should the US take initiative to reduce man made global warming?

Yes. Global warming can kill people and affect their health bigtime. So of coarse the U.S. should try to reduce man made global warming. The EPA should at least regulate CO2 emissions because the US has been pushing that other countries regulate the pollutant. Plus, the US has already committed to doing it-it's just a matter of when. Probably soon otherwise we might have some mighty angry countries.

What are the factors that affect changes in matter?

Pressure and temperature are two factors that both affect the state of any type of matter.

Does matter affect time or does time affect matter?

AnswerTime could affect matter but matter could not affect time. Example: By 2050 65% percent of polar bears will be extinct because of changes in the land formations.