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The sun can melt ice by it's radiation waves. The sun gives of heat and makes a radius. Radiation is different from conduction and convection because it doesn't need particles to pass through, it only needs space. The radiation waves pass through the earths atmosphere and travel down to earth, for proof we can feel the warmth ourselves (Not the temperature of the sun though). The heat waves warm up the ice and and the particles begin to become active and move further apart, forming the liquid water. If the heat waves temperature rises then the liquids will as well and the particles of the liquid (water) will become even more active and move more apart, evaporates and forming gas. The molecules are still attracted to one another.

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12y ago
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19y ago

The ice melts because of the sun reflecton off of the aluminum.

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14y ago

It gets warm, so the temperature rises to above 0oC, which is when ice starts to melt.

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Q: How does ice cubes melt in the sun?
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What causes alcohol to melt ice cubes?

There is nothing special about alcohol -- anything that is in contact with ice that is warmer than 0 °C will melt ice cubes (as long as the mass of warm object is comparable to the mass of the ice -- obviously a cup of warm water won't melt the ice on an entire lake for instance).When two objects of different temperatures are put in contact (as when you put ice cubes in a drink), the warmer one will always transfer heat to the cooler one. If the warmer one transfers enough heat to melt the ice cubes, then they melt! If not, they might just partially melt.It's actually possible to add ice cubes to alcohol and not have them melt at all! The freezing point of alcohol is well below 0 °C, and so you can have liquid alcohol be much colder than frozen ice cubes. If you add an ice cube to alcohol that is colder than the ice cube, the ice cube will be cooled by the alcohol!

Does Ice cubes melt in the Sahara?

yes they do. the sun is so hot in the desert therefore they can melt within 30 seconds. However it also gets very, very cold at night, this may keep the ice cube from melting.

Does dirt melt ice?

There are many products that can be used to melt ice. One is a clay cat litter. It will quickly melt snow and ice in the wintertime.

How do you know if ice cubes reach room temperature?

At room temperature an ice rapidly melt. It is impossible for the ice to have the room temperature (ca. 20 0C) at normal pressure.

What would happen if you placed a couple of ice cubes in a cup of hot tea?

They melt and dilute the tea.

Related questions

How does ice cubes melt?

The Sun

Why ice cubes melt faster in the sun?

The ice cubes get more radiation energy when in the sun.

What will happen to the ice cubes whin place under the sun?

They will melt soon.

Does ice cream melt in the sun or in heat?

yes! that's why when you light the candle it melt because of heat that surrounds in it!

Why do the ice cubes melt when the temperature rises?

They melt because the heat in the air is warmer than the temperature of the ice cubes.

Do ice cubes melt faster with different objects in it?

yes ice cubes do melt faster with different objects in it like hoter objrcts will melt it faster tho

Does Domestic ice cubes melt differently than commercial ice cubes?

Depends on the size and shape, but they all melt the same way

What happens when you put ice cubes in a sandwich bag in the microwave?

Ok the ice cubes melt and so does the bag. There and your mom cleans it out. so yeah Ok the ice cubes melt and so does the bag. There and your mom cleans it out. so yeah they melt

Will sugar-cubes melt when front of sun?

Yes it will melt

Where do ice cubes melt quicker?


Why don't ice cubes melt faster in cold water?

Ice cubes don't faster in cold water because the temparature of cold water is low, ice cubes melt faster in high temparature.

What is the Role of ice cubes during titrations?

I think that the role of ice cubes melt by warm heat