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wel helium isn't air so if you don't take a breth or to after you inhale some u could sofacate. slowly as u in hale helium u get lightheaded and then pass out. at a b-day of mine a friend kept inhaling baloons and passed out 4 times but he was fine. it can also make u a little nuts (for like an hour or so) and make u forgetful. almost evryone there had like 10 baloons and woke up the next day forgeting half the night (there where no drinks at the party all heluum) but its fun

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Q: How does inhalation of helium cause death?
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What can helium do to the body?

Helium, is not oxygen, and as such a large presences of helium in the body can asphyxiate and cause death.

Which gases are used by sea divers for inhalation?

A mixture of oxygen with nitrogen or helium.

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in extreme exposure or long term inhalation it can cause internal bleeding and liver failure resulting in death

Example of sentences using the word inhalation?

During inhalation, oxygen is taken into the lungs. Her death was due to the inhalation of toxic chemicals.

Is it harmful to inhale markers?

Inhalation of fumes and gases can be very harmful. In addition to the danger of fainting or passing out, it can cause organ damage. In some cases it has been known to cause death.

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Most certainly, inhalation of naphthalene is dangerous!

Can helium cause seizures?

Yes helium can cause seizures i was sucking helium and i got dizzy started drooling and blacked out.

Is it bad to do the helium challenge?

A little helium isn't harmful, but inhaling an entire balloon-full can block oxygen to your brain, which might cause you to pass out. There has been at least one death from breathing helium from a pressurized tank instead of a balloon, too.

Can smoking one cigarette a week cause coughing and wheezing?

Yes; any smoking or inhalation of smoke can cause coughing and wheezing. Second-hand smoke has the same potential to cause coughing and wheezing as does direct inhalation.

What is the medical term for drowning?

I have never known anyone speak of a medical term for drowning, so I will make one up for you. Water inhalation asphyxia? On a death certificate, "drowning" is a mode of death and not a cause. Therefore it would not be put on it.

Can helium cause death?

Yes. Helium itself is non-toxic, but as with all gasses it takes up space and so can push other gasses, including oxygen, out of the way. If you breathe helium without adequate oxygen yo can die in a matter of minutes. However helium taken with an adequate supply of oxygen is harmless.

Which organs cause inhalation and exhalation to occur?

Respiratory system.