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The magma hardens into igneous rock, and then breaks up into small pieces due to weathering (over millions of years); the weathering process deposits it in strata through the action of water or wind.

Then under pressure (normally of the continued depositing of more layers of rock and sand above it), the particles compress together to form a sedimentary rock layer. Again this process can take tens of millions of years.

An example of this is Granite, which is an igneous (magma-type) rock, on weathering and reconstitution it can become sandstone.

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Q: How does magma change into a sedimentary rock?
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What process changes a sedimentary rock into an igneous rock?

Sedimentary rock can change intometamorphic rock or into igneous rock. Metamorphic rockcan change into igneous or sedimentary rock. Igneous rock forms when magma cools and makes crystals. Magma is a hot liquid made of melted minerals.

What event creates change of the sedimentary rock?

Sedimentary rock can be eroded into sediments, heated and compressed into metamorphic rock, or melted into magma and cooled into igneous rock.

Which action will change a sedimentary rock into a metamorphic rock?

Heat from magma and pressure from above ground.

How does metamorphic rock turn to sedimentary rock?

Sedimentary rocks get turned in to metamorphic rocks by heat and pressure. They get heated by magma and convection currents, which causes the rock to change.

What the rock cycle describe?

The rock cycle describes how rocks are formed, and how they change to sedimentary rock, to metamorphic rock, to magma, to igneous rock, to sediment, and back to sedimentary rock.

Does sedimentary rock form from the cooling of magma?

No. Igneous rock forms from the cooling of magma.

What are the steps to rock cycle?

A rock cycle starts off as magma. Then as the magma cools, crystals form, and eventually the magma solidify into igneous rocks. The process breaks down into sedimentary rocks. The processes change a pre-existing igneous or sedimentary rock into a new rock called metamorphic rocks, then it melts into magma and the process starts all over.

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How igneous rock changes to sedimentary rock?

Sedimentary rock to change to Igneous rock by applying heat and pressure , which creates Metamorphic rock . Next , Metamorphic rock turns to Magma because it melts . Lastly you have to let the Magma cool and it becomes an Igneous rock . That is how Sedimentary rock changes to Igneous rock .

Is it possible for rocks to skip sedimentary in the rock cycle?

Yes a rock can change from metamorphic to igneous back to metamorphic the rock cycle does not go in order unless magma cools into igneous and sediment changes into sedimentary rock

Can igneous rock and sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock turn into magma?

no it can't

Are magma and lava sedimentary rocks?

No. Magma and lava are molten rock. When the cool they form igneous rock.