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through special types of bacteria in the soil.

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Q: How does nitrogen enter the food chain?
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How does nitrogen enter a food web?

Nitrogen enters the food web when plants absorb nitrogen compounds from the soil and convert them into proteins.

How does energy enter this food chain?

It originates from the sun and enters the food chain when plants absorb it for photosynethis.

How do animal commonly get nitrogen?

Through ingestion. Plants associate with thingies that live in the soil and give them nitrogen, that nitrogen goes up the food chain.

How did DDT enter the food chain?

DDT entered the food chain because it was in the water of the fish that bald eagles ate.

How the nitrogen cycle help the man and animals?

nitrogen cycle helps man in the balancing of relation between animals and plants and food chain

What food chain or food chain does a greman sheperds fit into?

If you have a seeing eye dog almost all restaurants pr food stores will allow the dog to enter. If you do not, then no restaurant or food store will allow a dog inside. No, the german shepard fits in to a domestique food chain.

An organisms trophic level is a measure of its ability to release nitrogen into the atmosphere?

No, Trophic level is the level it is in in the food chain depending on its habitat.

How does energy enter a food chain through plants?

Energy enters plants through a process called photosynthesis

Why is a komodo dragon food chain not a food chain?

It is a food chain.

Explain how enery and nutrients enter move trough and exit a food chain in an ecosystem?

Nutrients enter autotrophs throght sunlight. then it is consumed through primary consumers...

How nitrogen is removed from ecosystems?

Absorbed by plants that need it or is washed into a nearby stream, not that that's good.

What is the difference between nitrogen and food grade nitrogen?

Food grade nitrogen doesn't have any contaminants in it; regular nitrogen might.