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Air Pollution affects anything and everything around us. It can cause plants to die faster or too grow slowly and weak. Air pollution affects the oxygen that the plants breathe and so air pollution can cause a big part in a plant.
Air pollution can affect soil moisture levels. It's responsible for yo-yo moisture and temperature extremes. For example, too high temperatures can be accompanied by high rates of evaporation from the air, and evapotranspiration from the soil. Groundwater is recharged by moisture infiltrating into, and percolating through, the soil. Our supplies of below-ground water, ka groundwater, can run low. A plant's roots grow horizontally across, and vertically down, in response to soil moisture levels. If the levels aren't correct, then roots don't grow properly. Air pollution can affect salt levels in the soil. Too much salt in the soil is toxic to plants. It also causes the soil surface to compact, and crust over. Air pollution can affect nutrient levels in the soil. Healthy plants and soils need 16-17 nutrients. Incorrect amounts of any one nutrient throws the entire nutrient chain off. Air pollution tends to make large amounts of nitrogen and sulfur available to soil and water. Too much nitrogen can't be properly processed by the plant. It must be in soluble form, to be taken in. Too much nitrogen can burn the plant's roots. And it can contribute to changing soil pH. Soil pH can be acid, neutral, or alkaline. Most plants prefer a soil pH of 6.0-6.5. Below that range is acidic, above alkaline. Plants grow poorly, or not at all, in soil where the pH isn't correct. An incorrect soil pH can make nutrients available in the soil unavailable to plants. Sulfur's toxic in the soil, and to plants. Air pollution can affect photosynthesis. Photosynthesis needs sunlight. Smog can be so heavy that it affects the amount of sunlight reaching the earth's surface. Plants therefore don't get proper levels of sunlight. Photosynthesis can't take place properly. The plant doesn't build up enough carbohydrates. And it doesn't have enough energy to grow properly. Air pollution can affect temperatures. Side-effects of air pollution are global warming, and the heat island effect. Heat is trapped in the boundary layer of air that's closest to the earth's surface. The temperatures can be too high for plants to grow properly, or even survive.

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9y ago
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12y ago

Water pollution affects plant growth from the particles in the water preventing metabolic

processes, grow in size and maturity, and reproduce.

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tu puta madre

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14y ago

No, it doesn't

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Q: How does pollution and trash effect the growth of plants?
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How does trash kill plants?

From pollution.

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What is an effect of pollution?

For the air, pollution can cause acid rain and hazes that cause medical problems. For animals, trash and oil can kill or strangle them. For us, we should stop pollution and save our planet. Stop Pollution. Save the Earth.

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The effect of sea pollution is killing all the fishes that live near there. Especially high sensed fish. For example Sharks they can sense trash from miles away.

How is trash pollution happening?

people being to lazy to throw trash in the trash can and trash deposits over flowing

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Trash pollution dose have a big effect on the land because of where the trash goes, all trash ends up in a landfill and you know that the USA has a landfill the size of the Great Wall of China! Can you imagine the size of that?!!!!!!!!!!! It is becoming to where every landfill in the USA is coming to be that size. By the time that happens there will be no room to live in. Think about it and think about considering that our environment needs help.

Slogan on pollution?

TRASH The garbage not our FUTURE.

How did water pollution started in Norway?

it was trash

What is 5 ways human can cause pollution?

Human can cause pollution by trash throwing trash in the lake or on the ground or by in type of fuels or smoke or gas in the air this is call air pollution but smoking and gas form disels can cause pollution and can be bad for the ecosystem and they can also cause it by throwing all the trash they throw down on the ground help people and stop throwing trash on the ground.

What happens to the trash we throw away?

the trash is thrown all over our country and causes pollution

How do you fight pollution?

put the trash in the garger cans