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Q: How does the bedrock affect the type of soil in an area?
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Is bedrock a type of soil?


How are bedrock and soil different from each other?

the difference between the two is that bedrock is a type of rock usually an area of broken and weathered unconsoiled with a basal subsoil.

What is granite bedrock?

Bedrock is the rock that underlies the soil and sediment of an area. Granite is a type of igneous rock that forms when silica-rich molten rock cools and solidifies underground.

What are some factors that effect the type of soil found in an area?

One of the factors that affects soil type is how close you are to an ocean or other body of water. As nearly everyone knows, beachfront property is often very sandy, and thus, being near a body of water will affect soil type. Another factor that will likely affect soil type in the area is volcanic activity. If there are active volcanoes in the area, the soil type will definitely be affected by the ash and volcanic rock. Yet another factor that can affect soil type is farming. If there is lots of farming in an area, it will affect all of the nutrients in the soil, and while this may not change the soil type, it will certainly affect the soil quality.

What type of bedrock most likely exists in an area that has numerous sinkholes?

Dissouted bedrock

What type of soil has a thin layer of topsoil and a small amount of humus?


In what type of climate would soil form fastest from limestone bedrock?

80F +

What is the bedrock type and age in areas of high elevation?

It varies. High elevation generally does not affect what the bedrock other than by eroding away the softer rock types such as shale.

What are the features of climate that affect the biomes soil type?

Precipitation affects a biomes soil type by determining the amount of moisture in the soil.

How does different types of soil affect the germination of a seed?

the type of soil yu use don't matter it will not affect the plant

What factors in an area help to determine the type of soil and the thickness and composition of the layers?

Climate can affect what type of soil develops in a certain area. For example, Deserts are dry, and the soil contains little organic material. In a temperate forest, the soil is mild and moist. Parent rock, time, and slopes are some of the factors that affect the soil. For example, on steep slopes, soil horizons often are poorly developed.

What type of climate would soil form fastest from limestone bedrock?

Soil forms more quickly from limestone than from granite. This is due to the composition of limestone that speeds up soil formation.