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SIMPLE ANSWER: Picture a bowl of pancake batter. Insert a spoon and stir. If you want to perform your own experiment, add in a few drops of food coloring for visualization. MORE: The cause of the "Wind force" in a hurricane is created by several combined factors, dominated by the differential between the motion of the earth's surface as it rotates against the static property of space, causing drag. (Put your hand out of the window of your car on the freeway to experience Drag force). The volume of water vapor trapped in the atmosphere as well as other atmospheric gasses combine and expand (Thickening like Pancake batter), due to solar heating. Additionally, the heating and cooling of the atmosphere causes air to rise and fall. A rotational dynamic is then created in the atmosphere (think of the earth as the spoon). Atmosphere (air) is then pushed by these forces, causing rotational turbulence, which often contacts the ground surface, resulting in hurricanes and tornados. The prediction of outcome is impossible to know, outside of established and documented weather patterns. Think of yourself as a bug in a blender.

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