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The greenhouse effect keeps the air and earth warm enough for life.

  • The sun's energy warms the earth.
  • Infrared heat rises from the surface of the earth into the atmosphere where it is trapped by greenhouse gases causing the greenhouse effect.
  • The warm greenhouse gases in turn warm the surrounding atmosphere, and some of this heat goes back down to earth, where it adds more warmth to the earth's surface.
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Q: How does the greenhouse effect affect the air temperature?
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Why does temperature rise?

The enhanced greenhouse effect is making air temperatures rise.

How does atomospheric composition affect air temperature?

While the specifics of this are controversial, the generally held beliefs are that greenhouse gases cause air temperature to rise. The primary greenhouse gases in earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. For an extreme view of how greenhouse gases can affect temperature, do some research on Venus where greenhouse gases and the proximity to the sun have turned the planet into a furnace

How do cities affect the greenhouse effect?

Air pollution from car exhausts and smoke. Water pollution from all the litter.

What is meant by greenhouse?

Natural greenhouse effect is the effect from water vapour in the air absorb and irradiate back the infrared radiation to earth. Effect from water vapour alone resulted to global temperature increase of 17 C and thus it is not the freezing earth.

Is the greenhouse affect a recycling project?

No, the greenhouse effect is the effect of certain gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane (called greenhouse gasses) trapping heat near earth's surface. There is a natural greenhouse effect that keeps earth from becoming too cold, but there is some concern that human actions may be putting extra greenhouse gasses into the air and causing average temperatures to rise.

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What is meant by natural greenhouse?

Natural greenhouse effect is the effect from water vapour in the air absorb and irradiate back the infrared radiation to earth. Effect from water vapour alone resulted to global temperature increase of 17 C and thus it is not the freezing earth.

What has a bigger effect on wind speed temperature or air pressure?

The bigger affect on wind speed is air pressure.

How does fuel affect the environment?

Fuel affects the environment in a great way. When fuel is burned it releases CO2 into the air which is a greenhouse gas and contibutes to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is when these greenhouse gases(such as Co2) trap energy from the sun ,just like in a greenhouse, and raise the temperature of the earth. Thus causing glaciers to melt and ocean currents to change an eventually resulting in the end of the planet. So think about taking your bike for a ride once in a while.

Does ambient temp effect the temperature produced by an air conditioning unit?

In short answer, yes. There are many things that will affect the temperature produced by an air conditioning unit, to be honest.

How do air conditioners affect the greenhouse effect?

Any use of electricity to run powerful machinery like air conditioners adds to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere because most electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). This releases carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, which is causing the enhanced greenhouse effect that is producing global warming. This warming is causing climate change.

What is the process by which gases hold heat in the air?

The greenhouse effect