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The longer that magma is able to cool, the larger the crystals will be. Intrusive rocks will have larger crystals than extrusive rocks. For example granite (intrusive) has larger grains than rhyolite (extrusive).

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Q: How does the rate of cooling influence crystal size of igneous rocks and how does that help you to distinguish between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks?
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What is the difference between an intrusive and an extrusive igneous rocks?

"intrusive" means forced into something, "extrusive" means forced out onto the surface. The igneous magma reaching the surface is therefore extrusive , producing extrusive igneous rocks, and all the rest of the magma is intrusive, producing intrusive igneous rocks.

What is the different between extrusive and intrusive rocks?

Intrusive: An intrusive igneous rock is formed from magma undergroundExtrusive: An extrusive igneous rock is formed from lava outside of the volcano.

What is the difference between intrusive and extrusive property of matter?

intrusive properties of matter : do not depend on the amount of matter present extrusive : depend on the amount of matter present

Distinguish between andesite and diorite using two physical properties of igneous rocks?

Diorite is an intrusive which is formed inside of a volcano. Andesite is an extrusive which is formed outside of a volcano.

What is the major difference between intrusive and extrusive rocks is?

Extrusive means that the lava has come out and cooled on the surface. Intrusive means that the lava has cooled in the Earth i.e. underground.

What is the major difference between intrusive rocks and extrusive igneous rocks?

Extrusive means that the lava has come out and cooled on the surface. Intrusive means that the lava has cooled in the Earth i.e. underground.

What is the difference between the way intrusive and extrusive igneous is formed?

Intrusive igneous rocks cool beneath the crustal surface. Extrusive cool above the surface - pillow lavas cool below the sea but above the crust.

What is the difference in crystal growth between intrusive and extrusive igneous rock?

The crystal growth of intrusive igneous is substantially more so than extrusive igneous. Magma cools quicker on the earth's surface, extrusive igneous formed, as opposed to below the crust, intrusive. Therefore the longer it takes to cool the magma, the more the crystal growth.

Write the difference between extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks?

igneous Extrusive is cool on the outside of the crust and cools quickly before crystal forms igneous Intrusive is cool on the inside of the crust and cools slowly and allowing crystal to form

What is the difference between exrusive an intrsive igneous rock?

intrusive forms below the earths surface, and extrusive above

What is the difference between a intrusive igneous rock ad an extrusive rock?

instrusive is inside the valcano and exstrusive comes onto earth's crust