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if it's smelly, yes. if not, then it's the enviroment's problem.

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Q: How does trash cause air pollution?
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Related questions

What is 5 ways human can cause pollution?

Human can cause pollution by trash throwing trash in the lake or on the ground or by in type of fuels or smoke or gas in the air this is call air pollution but smoking and gas form disels can cause pollution and can be bad for the ecosystem and they can also cause it by throwing all the trash they throw down on the ground help people and stop throwing trash on the ground.

What is an effect of pollution?

For the air, pollution can cause acid rain and hazes that cause medical problems. For animals, trash and oil can kill or strangle them. For us, we should stop pollution and save our planet. Stop Pollution. Save the Earth.

Is there any risk of pollution?

yes, bkuz throwing trash and other stuff on the ground is littering ppl so it can cause the air 2 get yucky and pollution happens!! :(

Why is burning landfill trash bad?

it puts the pollution in the air and air pollution is a lots harder to gets rid of

Is air pollution cause landslides?

no air pollution does not cause landslides

How is trash harmful to the environment?

Garbage and trash are harmful to the environment. Garbage and trash can emit methane gasses into the atmosphere, and cause illnesses to those that come into contact with these materials.

How do we hurt the earth with the trash you produce?

Trash causes land, air and water pollution that can cause marine animals, flying animals and land animals to die of consuming the trash that we throw away each day and dying.

Do hot air balloons cause air pollution?

Do hot air ballons cause air pollution

Do tornadoes cause air pollution?

No. Tornadoes can be very destructive, but they do not cause air pollution.

What might cause pollution to river and lakes?

Oil, gasoline, and trash.

How does recycling keep your air fresh?

because when you recycle the air pollution gets fresh for cleaning the trash

Does air pollution cause irreversible damage to the environment?

yes air pollution does cause irreversible damae to the environment.