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The ash cloud went 22,000 square miles!!!!! HOPE THAT HELPS

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Q: How far did the ash cloud travel mt st helen?
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How far did the ash cloud of mt Vesuvius travel?

in 1991 the Phillippines had a Volcanic eruption that carried ash to the eastcoast of Africa.The Ash had Traveled 4,971miles

What are two factors that can affect the distance that volcanic ash can travel?

The blast of the volcano, the wind, and how light the ash is all affect how far it will travel.

How far in the air could volcanic ash travel?

Volcanic ash plumes can exceed 20 miles in height and travel for thousands of miles.

What is a ashcloud?

Ash Cloud: A cloud formed from tiny ash particles and gases blasted from the volcano. Wind can carry ash thousands of miles, affecting far greater areas and many more people than other volcano hazards

How far did the ash from the 1980 Mount St Helen's eruption travel?

When the erruption of Mt. Saint Helens happened people reported seeing ash clouds as far as California going west and east as far as Wisconsin and south to Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming. This all factored to the way the wind was blowing which sent clouds of ash and soot blowing for miles and being spotted in different states.

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How far is it to Helen Georgia from Helen Georgia?

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