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If not for climate change, we would not know how much we are polluting.

Acid rain, although bad for marble, is good for trees (don't ask me why)

Where I am in Ireland, the summers are great, and they used to be freezing.

There is a few reasons (although the bad outweighs the good).

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13y ago
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9y ago

Climate change is the result of global warming. It has affected planet Earth and us a lot over the years.

1.Global warming is where our planet gets hotter. This has caused ice caps at both poles to melt, making the sea level rise.

2.Tropical cyclones form when the sea temperature is high. Global warming has increased our sea temperature thus making more cyclones form and also making their intensity increase.

3.Due to temperatures rising, more areas could turn into deserts.

We humans have caused global warming by:

1.Polluting the atmosphere with carbon dioxide (Co2) and thus decreasing the amount of oxygen (O2) which we breathe in.

2.Cutting down forests is another one of the main factors of global warming. Trees use a process called the photosynthesis to let out O2 and sucking in Co2.

As humans cut down trees, the oxygen will decrease. This can also make the number of deserts increase.

Humans have been affected by:

1.Ever heard of chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs)? These gases are very harmful to the atmosphere and has caused a hole in the atmosphere over the Antarctica. This allows more ultraviolet sunlight (which is harmful to animals, including humans) to pass through. It affects people of Australia and New Zealand and causes skin cancer.

Well, because of global warming the temperature is increasing which is causing Antarctica to melt which leads to sea level rising about 100m. Even if Antarctica doesn't melt, water is expanding causing Coastlines to flood. Eventually Earth will never have coastlines to flood because The land will be gone.

The weather is really getting bad.

Climate change is affecting us a lot, people using cars and other transports affects the atmosphere, and as a result of the climate change,the two poles are melting each day so the seas' level is rising and they can cause floods all over the world and it is very obvious that floods are spreading everywhere also the ozone layer that protects the earth from the harmful rays from the sun is now (opened) and harmful rays are entering the earth's surface ,and some of these rays cause negative effects and dangerous diseases to human.

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15y ago

It has not had much of a positive effect on society. Except for warmer days and more ater in the oceans.

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14y ago

Im not sure what your looking for here but it could help by making the colder climates warmer thus aiding in the growth of world crops/foods nearer to the northern hemesphere.

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