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It is important to know the exact formula of a chemical compound.

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What will happen if the wrong chemical symbol or formula is used in a chemical equations?

So it is wrong equation .Symbols are very important

What describes a substance using chemical symbols and numbers?

Well, no chemical can actually represent a substance with chemical symbols, but I think you're talking about a chemical formula.

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Formula: SiO2

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A combination of chemical symbols and numbers to represent a substance?

The combination is known as a chemical formula.

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A combination of chemical symbols that show what elements make up a compound and the number of atoms of each element in the smallest unit of the compound is a chemical formula.

What are chemical symbols and chemical formula used for?

chemical symbols and formula are short hand for chemicals to save every thing being massive like rutherfordium is Rf.

A combination of chemical symbols and numbers that represent a substance is?

A shorthand representation of the composition of a substance using atomic symbols and numerical subscripts is called a chemical formula.

Combination of chemical symbols and numbers to represent a substance?

Chemical Formula

What is the chemical formula for Cs and At?

Cs (for caesium) and At (for astatine) are chemical symbols, not chemical formulas.

What the symbols and number mean in the chemical formula of an ionic compound?

Symbols are the chemical symbols of elements.Number are the number of a specific atom in the molecule or formula unit. For example: Na2SO4- Na, S, O are the chemical symbols of sodium, sulfur and oxygen- 2 is the number of sodium atoms in the formula unit; 4 is the number of oxygen atoms in the formula unit