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Rain forests are classified as rain forest by

  • If they lie between the Tropic of Cancer and The Tropic of Capricorn
  • Receive rainfall regularly (80-400 inches per year)
  • Remain warm with frost free all year meaning temperatures 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit
  • With Very little daily fluctuation.
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Q: How is a rainforest classified as a rainforest?
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Which animals in the rainforest are invertebrates?

The rainforest is neither vertebrate or invertebrate. The rainforest is a biome, and biomes cannot be classed as vertebrates or invertebrates. Only individual organisms that are members of the Kingdom Animalia can be classified in this way.

Do wombats live in the rainforest?

No. Wombats are not classified as rainforest animals. They are found in dry bushland and grasslands, where they can dig easily in the earth to create their burrows. The native grasses that wombats eat are not found in rainforests.

Is Miami Florida temperate or tropical?

It is classified as having a tropical rainforest climate, though it does have a history of having experienced slightly below freezing temperatures.

Is there a rainforest in tofino?

Tofino is considered to be in a temperate rainforest zone. This is different from a tropical rainforest because of different species of plants and animals and differing geographical and climatical conditions. Temperate rainforests are classified as rainforests because they receive high amounts of rainfall each year and are comprised of a tall canopy of trees that covers 70% of the sky.

What percent of the Congo jungle is unexplored?

About 6% of the Earth's land mass is classified as jungle.

How many species of animals are there in the Amazon rainforest?

5,336 animals are known to live in the amazon rainforest, along with 40,000 species of plants and 100,000 invertebrates.

What Kind of rainforest is a Daintree rainforest?

The daintree rainforest is a tropical rainforest.

Is the the amazon rainforest a temperate rainforest?

The Amazon Rainforest is a Tropical Rainforest

How hot do the summers typically get in the Asian region of Singapore?

As Singapore is slightly above the equator, the city can get exceptionally hot and humid. Singapore's climate is classified as a tropical rainforest, and as such there are technically no seasons.

How does mining in the rainforest help the rainforest?

There is no mining in the rainforest and anything that disturbs the rainforest has no benefit.

What type of rainforest is the amazon?

The Amazon Rainforest is a tropical rainforest.